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Questions tagged [adjusted]

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4 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Using Quandl Continuous Contracts

I am trying to use Quandl data futures for backtesting some trading scenarios, specifically Wiki Continuous Futures. Following the documentation, I understand that the data-set contains continuous ...
MariaMadalina's user avatar
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How we can use adjusted price in combination with price limit in a stock market?

How we can use adjusted price in combination with price limit in stock market? suppose that we have a price limit in a stock market. For example if yesterday last price is ...
user2991243's user avatar
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Adjusted option prices?

I am trying to calculate IV of options for a ticker over the last 10 years. Problem is that some option prices don't make sense (for example, closing price \$31.94, but 30-day call option with 18 days ...
Vasisualiy's user avatar
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how to adjust very old stock price correctly

lets say that i have a file stating a stock and the price which someone paid for it and the date. for example: apple (AAPL) 422$ 15/11/2011. now apple have gone through many splits and possibly public ...
Matan's user avatar
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