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Why does the mean term have a higher effect than the covariance term in MV optimization? [closed]

I am trying to use the mean-variance (MV) optimization framework. When I change the mean term using future-ground-truth return (I am not supposed to do so), it has a higher effect on the MV ...
randy's user avatar
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Tangency portfolio negative maximum Sharpe ratio

Suppose I have three assets: the market, factor A and factor B. The market is in excess returns of the risk free rate. The other two factors are long-short portfolios. I have net returns for these ...
amar96's user avatar
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Is this quadratic form the Sharpe ratio?

I'm reading Merton's An Analytic Derivation of the Efficient Portfolio Frontier. In section IV, he derives the efficient frontier with a riskless asset. Let $\mathbf{w}$ be a vector of portfolio ...
jds's user avatar
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mean-variance optimization === max sharpe ratio portfolio?

Noobie here. I just wanna ask a simple question: in the context of portfolio optimization, is Mean-Variance optimization the same as the max sharpe ratio portfolio?
Nygen Patricia's user avatar
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Optimal Portfolio Formulation

I'm currently studying Luenberg's Article "Projection Pricing" (Jrl of Optimization Theory and Applications, Vol. 109, No. 1, pp. 1–25, April 2001) and there is a claim that I can't prove. ...
Felipe Teti's user avatar
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mean variance optimization vs max sharpe ratio

I keep reading/hearing that the results from mean-var optimization is max Sharpe ratio. It seems making sense if you fix either target return or target risk, but in general, it doesn't seems right, ...
starx's user avatar
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