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Questions tagged [ratio]

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P/E Ratio of a stock index

I tried to find the P/E ratio of a stock index. Should I calculate the weighted harmonic mean of all constituents OR select the weighted median P/E ratio as the index's P/E? many thanks!
Stephen Ge's user avatar
19 votes
4 answers

Sharpe ratio and leverage

Does leverage affect the Sharpe ratio? If my Sharpe is 2 at no leverage, does it change, fall by half say, at a different leverage?
ZoStone's user avatar
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6 votes
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Credit Rating or Probability of Default from Financial Ratios

Does anyone know of any papers about credit rating development or probability of default estimation done based on financial ratios that also include methodology and maybe good/bad criteria? Something ...
BCLC's user avatar
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3 votes
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How do i test the significance of Sharpe ratio of a strategy using bootstrap

How do i test the significance of Sharpe ratio of a strategy whether it is any different from another strategy ?? How do i get a p-value out of it ? What should be the H0 in the hypothesis testing ? ...
JSS's user avatar
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