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Expectation of the realized volatility

I was reading Zhang and Wang 2023 and I have some doubts regarding it. The realized Stochastic Volatility Model is expressed as follows: $$\begin{matrix} y_t = \exp \big( \frac{h_t}{2} \big) \...
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Optimal consumption process [Munk (2011)]

I'm trying to solve problem 4.4 in Munk (2011). The problem is as follows: Assume the market is complete and $\xi = (\xi_{t})$ is the unique state-price deflator. Present value of any consumption ...
John Stevens's user avatar
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Real domestic return

I would like to calculate the real domestic return of a foreign asset What I know Real price is $$P_{Real, t} = \frac{P_{Nominal, t}}{CPI_t}$$ where CPI is consumer price index. And I know that the ...
1190's user avatar
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Is there a quick way to see why this claim $C(S, t)$ on $S$ does not satisfy the Black-Scholes PDE?

I'm self-studying for an actuarial exam on financial economics and encountered the below practice exam problem. An exam problem should typically take 5-6 minutes to complete, so I'm wondering if ...
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