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Questions tagged [transition-distribution]

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Derivation of the distribution for a CIR process

Where is it possible to find a complete derivation of the distribution of a CIR process? There is a number of papers that claim that it is a noncentrical chi-squared distribution. However, I cannot ...
SigmaBoy's user avatar
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Transition density of geometric Brownian motion with time-dependent drift and volatility

Can you provide a reference to the transition density of the scalar geometric Brownian Motion with time-dependent drift and volatility, i.e. the scalar process $X = (X_t)_{t\geq 0}$ defined by the SDE ...
fsp-b's user avatar
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How to find the transition distribution functions of these two processes?

This question was asked by another user, but was deleted. As it may be useful for others, I re-post it here. What are the transition distribution (or density) functions of two processes defined by \...
Gordon's user avatar
  • 21.3k
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How to find the transition distribution functions of these two processes?

What are the transition distribution (or density) functions of processes defined by $dX_t=\mu dt +\sigma dW_t$ and $dX_t= \theta(\mu-X_t) dt +\sigma dW_t,$ where $\theta>0$, $\mu$ is a real ...
Joanna's user avatar
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