I am trying to complete my project on Mean-Variance Leverage Optimization, and I have found lots of helpful advice on this forum. I wanted to ask you if you have some idea on how to implement a leverage constraint, I will try and explain myself in more detail.
My starting point: I have a starting set of constraints for the Optimization is to build an EAE portfolio like the one proposed by Jacob and Levy here Traditional Optimization is not optimal for Lvg Averse investor. So I did try to implement this using a QP optimization in Matlab and my code so far it seems working...
However when I perform my quadratic optimization I don't use any constraints on the leverage term, thus I get a set of active weights constrained by dollar neutrality and market neutrality plus some lower bound and upper bound that is +- 0.1 of the benchmark weight. -this gives different level of leverage associated with different expected active return-. Now my question is ...how do I impose constraints on the level of leverage maintaining the constraints imposed by the EAE portfolio construction? i.e I want to find different efficient frontier for different level of lvg for example setting lvg = 0.10-0.20-0.30 ecc
$\sum_{i=1}^N x_i = 0$
$\sum_{i=1}^N x_i \beta_i= 0$
$b_i-0.10 \le x_i \le b_i+0.10$
$\sum_{i=1}^N |h_i| -1 =\Lambda$
Edit: I uploaded a picture to make it clearer..hope it works..So in the first 3 lines there are my constraints.. where x stands for the active weight and b for the benchmark weight. I forgot to mention that h = x + b; So what i would like to achieve is to impose different level of leverage..leverage is the last equation with the h in absolute value.
// [2]: https://i.sstatic.net/hP9ap.png