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How do your solve for trader's optimal demand in market similar to Kyle's model?

Suppose that $(\Omega,\mathcal{F},\mathbb{P})$ is a standard probability space and $Z_t=(Z_t^1,Z_t^2)$ is a two dimensional Brownian motion with the filtration $\mathcal{F}^Z_{t}$ and $Z_t^1$, $Z_t^2$ ...
Oliver Queen's user avatar
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Maximum likelihood estimation of system of correlated SDEs

I have the following system of SDEs (which you can think of as 3 different stocks) $$dX_t^1 = \mu_t X_t^1 dt + \sigma_t X_t^1 dW_t^1$$ $$dX_t^2 = \mu_2 dt + \sigma_2 dW_t^2$$ $$dX_t^3 = \mu_3 dt + \...
Spandaver's user avatar
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Lemma (maybe) to imply the sign of the sensitivity to correlation

Can anybody please help me to understaind if this result is true ? Let $\pi=\mathbb{E}\left(f(X_{T})g(Y_{T})\right)$ where $f$ and $g$ are increasing functions. Hence, $\pi$ is increasing with respect ...
DeepInTheQF's user avatar
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Instantaneous correlation in the 2 factor Hull White model

I'm trying to understand which parameter controls the instantaneous correlation in the 2 F HW model. As in, correlation b/w 2 rates observed at the same time. My thinking is as follows: $$Rate(1)=P(t,...
Arshdeep's user avatar
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mixing fractional Brownian motions

Given two Brownian motions $W_t^1, W_t^2$, we can have them correlated by $$W_t^1 = \rho W_t^2+\sqrt{1-\rho^2}Z_t$$ where $W_t^{2}$ and $Z_t$ are independent of each other. My question then: is there ...
apocalypsis's user avatar
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Exact solution stock price with Vasicek interest rate model

Define two correlated stock price- and interest rate (Vasicek) processes, governed by the Wiener processes $W^{S}(t)$ and $W^{r}(t)$ $$dS(t)=r(t)S(t)dt+\sigma S(t)dW^{S}(t)$$ $$dr(t)=\kappa(\theta-r(...
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Simulate correlated Brownian motions conditioned on future state(s)

Consider a model defined by 2 geometric Brownian motions $$dY_{1}(t) = \sigma_{2} Y_{1}(t)dW_{1}(t)$$ $$dY_{2}(t) = \sigma_{2} Y_{2}(t)dW_{2}(t)$$ with $Y_{1}(0) = y_{1}$, $Y_{2}=y_{2}$ and $dW_{1}(...
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Brownian Motions theorems

I know that if $W$ and $W′$ are two independent brownian motions, then $dWt \ dWt′$ = 0. How can I prove/demonstrate this theorem? Additionaly, how can we prove that if $W$ and $W′$ are dependent, ...
S.barney 's user avatar
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Correlation between stock prices given correlation between returns

assume I have two stocks with known volatilities and a known correlation coefficient of returns - does anyone know how to determine the correlation between the prices and NOT THE RETURNS
ZRH's user avatar
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Find the brownian motion associated to a linear combination of dependant brownian motions

I have $N$ correlated standard one-dimensional Brownian motions $W_1,\ldots,W_N$ with correlation matrix $\rho$ and I consider the process $Z_t \equiv \sum_{i=1}^N \mu_i (t) W_t$ where the $\mu_i$ are ...
11house's user avatar
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CDF&density of stock price modeled by standard brownian motion

Assume that the price of the stock follows the model $S(t) = S(0) exp ( mt − ((σ^2)/2 ) t + σW(t) )$ , (1) where W(t) is a standard Brownian motion; σ > 0, S(0) > 0, m are some constants. Derive the ...
kroneckersdelta's user avatar
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Correlation of Asynchronous Brownian Motion

I am trying to use the closing prices of the S&P 500 and the Nikkei Index to see how they are correlated (assuming they are exactly 12 hours apart). In order to test my method, I have generated ...
Aaron's user avatar
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Two correlated brownian motions

Is it true (see here, footnote 2, p.22 / p.14, without proof) that we can obtain two discretized brownian motions $W_t^1, W_t^2$ with correlation $\rho$ by doing $$d W_t^1 \sim \mathcal N(0,\sqrt{dt}...
Basj's user avatar
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Correlation decay in lognormal distribution

I noticed that if you use two correlated geometric brownian motions, the correlation structure decays in time pretty fast even for really high correlation values. I think that is not replicating ...
Amir Yousefi's user avatar