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Questions tagged [central-banking]

4 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Why does change in Sight Deposits reflect Swiss National Bank FX action

I am confused of how the Swiss National Bank's famous FX interventions are reflected in the change in Sight Deposits. Against the backdrop of the ECB meeting, it is said that the SNB has taken ...
MinaThuma's user avatar
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Market risk in Tier 1 capital of a bank

The common stock of the bank is considered to be a part of the Tier 1 capital, but it is also subject to market risk. The Investopedia definition distinguishes between Tier 1 and Tier 3 capital by the ...
cookiemonster's user avatar
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What are eligible liabilities?

Under Basel III, the minimum capital adequacy ratio that banks must maintain is 8 percent. However, in order to an effective resolution the bank muss hold not only to its capital, but also eligible ...
R_quester's user avatar
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Can a bond be denominated in another security?

Could a bond be issued that's denominated in securities like ETF shares or stock shares? Of course most people would not want to buy it, but is it possible? I know it's possible to short a security, ...
Jonah's user avatar
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