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How do i calculate breakeven black scholes volatility for 12 monthly option to hedge a yearly option?

If I own a 1 year call option of 30 black scholes implied vol and i want to hedge it by periodically selling 12 monthly option of same strike, how can i calculate minimum vol needed on monthly option ...
Aaksh's user avatar
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We can forecast the direction of (constant maturity) implied vol of various indices well. Is that useful?

We've been financial building ML models for years, and have multiple portfolios live - but we're new to the volatility space, none of us are options traders. How could we effectively use implied vol ...
Mark's user avatar
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question on risk reversal P/L example in Euan Sinclair's book 'positional option trading'

I am reading Euan's book, ‘positional option trading’ and have a question about risk reversal P/L example. Here is description 'Consider a 1-month risk reversal on a \$100 stock. The 20-delta put (91 ...
fred222's user avatar
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What's a sensible way to measure correlation in the volatility surface?

Lets say I construct a parametrisation of the volatility surface that lets me infer dynamics i.e correlation between strike vol. Is computing the sample correlation (after controlling for spot-vol ...
j bloggs's user avatar
3 votes
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Are there any books/articles on how to use options to be long volatility (implied or realized)? [duplicate]

Given the market turmoil of late I have become fixated with this idea of using options to be long volatility (realised and implied). However, I dont know where to start, what to read, who to follow ...
AShortSqueeze's user avatar
22 votes
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Gamma Pnl vs Vega Pnl

Why does Gamma Pnl have exposure to realised volatility, but Vega Pnl only has exposure to implied volatility? I am confused as to why gamma pnl is affected (more) by IV and why vega pnl isnt affected ...
Trajan's user avatar
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Implied volatility of a complex options position

Assume I have a "complex" options position like a straddle, strangle, or iron condor. In other words, several options traded together as a single position against one underlying asset (not a basket ...
strimp099's user avatar
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Why a calendar spread is a preferred strategy in a low volatility period

What is it about a calendar spreads opposed to other spreads (e.g vertical spread) that makes it such a popular strategy for a period of low implied volatility? Is it that when low volatility turns ...
Victor123's user avatar
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How to calculate the most realistic historical option prices with additional publicly available parameters

This is a follow up question of this one. My aim is to create the most realistic historical option prices possible with publicly available data. I want to do this for backtesting purposes. The ...
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