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3 answers

Simulating covariance matrices with nonzero correlation

How would you simulate a covariance matrix of 1,000 stocks where each pair has nonzero correlation? I have literally no idea how to start with this. Any suggestions?
Trajan's user avatar
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Distribution of data for GBM

I am running some Monte Carlo simulations with GBM on time series of commodity prices. First of all, the price data is annual between 1900-1950. I would firstly like to know if it is bad practice to ...
Andr's user avatar
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Log normal price simulation

I'm trying to figure out a spreadsheet I have which simulates 50000 returns in excel using the following function: LOGNORM.INV(RAND(),0,0.35)-1 Question: How ...
Gregmf90's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Should earnings be modelled normally or lognormally?

I am having difficulty deciding whether a company's earnings should be modelled normally or lognormally. If we consider two arguments: (i) The earnings of a company are the returns on the assets of ...
Zakoff's user avatar
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Monte carlo portfolio risk simulation

My objective is to show the distribution of a portfolio's expected utilities via random sampling. The utility function has two random components. The first component is an expected return vector ...
Ram Ahluwalia's user avatar