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1 answer

Optimising returns weighted by Sharpe ratio in the context of Supervised Learning

In the Kaggle Jane Street market prediction competition we are put in a Supervised Learning Framework to deal with 'trade opportunities'. That is, we are given instances of previous trade ...
2 votes
1 answer

Proof of weights maximizing sharpe of a portfolio

Given a portfolio of $n$ assets with mean vector $\mu$ and correlation matrix $\Sigma$, the optimal weights $w$ on the $n$ assets to maximize overall sharpe is found by $$\max_{w:||w||=1}{\dfrac{\mu^T ...
-3 votes
1 answer

sharpe ratio, convert into convex function, not understand that constraint, [duplicate]

I am reading about tranforming sharpe ratio into convex problem After some following, its converted into min xTxy s.t. (u-rf e)x = 1 ...
5 votes
3 answers

How can I find the portfolio with maximum Sharpe Ratio - Using Lagrange Multipliers

In Markowitz' portfolio theory we can construct portfolios with the minimum variance for a given expected return (or vice versa). Across expected risks, this traces out the well-known efficient ...
0 votes
0 answers

Constraints in a Mean-Variance Optimization Case

Might be a repeat question, feel free to close if it is. I am trying to perform a mean-variance optimization (maximizing the Sharpe ratio) for lets say 5 assets. Besides the weights of the assets ...
0 votes
0 answers

Adjusting the p-value of a strategy for number of parameters

Let's say I have some metric and I'm trying to evaluate whether it's predictive with respect to returns. I plan to only take trades where the value of the metric is above a certain threshold, such ...
4 votes
3 answers

mean-variance optimization === max sharpe ratio portfolio?

Noobie here. I just wanna ask a simple question: in the context of portfolio optimization, is Mean-Variance optimization the same as the max sharpe ratio portfolio?
8 votes
3 answers

Maximum Sharpe portfolio (no short selling restrictions)

Suppose we have $n$ assets whose expected return vector is $r$ and is positive, and whose covariance matrix is $\Sigma$. Is there a closed form or quasi closed form (like the eigenvector of a matrix ...
4 votes
2 answers

maximize Sharpe ratio in portfolio optimization

I am trying to understand how to maximize Sharpe ratio in portfolio optimization. $\boxed{\begin{align}\max\>&\frac{r^Tx-r_f}{\sqrt{x^TQx}}\\ & \sum_i x_i = 1\\ & x_i\ge 0\end{align}}$ ...
0 votes
1 answer

How to maximize the Sharpe ratio given historical closing prices?

I have historical adjusted closing prices for $k$ stocks over $n$ days. I have a budget of $B$ dollars, and I'd like to choose allocations for each of the stocks, $a_{1:k}$, such that I maximize the ...
7 votes
2 answers

How to define the objective function for a custom optimization problem?

I would like to find the allocations that would minimize some user-defined metric (Sortino, minimum drawdown, etc) for a portfolio of assets. How would one go about formulating the objective ...