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Market neutral strategy with quarterly futures and perpetual swaps?

What is a "perpetual swap"? In cryptocurrency exchanges, there is a financial product called "perpetual swap". (It is also called as "perpetual futures" or "...
Eiffelbear's user avatar
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Why not just be long VIX and wait for the next volatile period?

Over the past 3 months, VIX has been relatively low. Therefore, there seems to be a "free-lunch" here by just being long VIX, and wait for the next market turmoil (which is happening at the moment ...
JejeBelfort's user avatar
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How to choose trades over time when capital is limited

Say I'm in the business of trading forward contracts. So at some point in time, I look at the markets, and determine a number of trades I could make. For each trade, I know the profit I expect to make,...
ggambetta's user avatar
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