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Interview question: strategy with perfect R2

I got a question in an interview, not sure if I got it: ‘’’ We trade stocks and futures, and you can both long and short for futures. Assume you built a perfect quantitative trading model with perfect ...
ningl's user avatar
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Maximum profit from trading on a random walk with a specific strategy

My question is related to this thread, but I'm interested in a special case. Suppose that the price of an asset starts at 100 USD, and changes according to a geometric random walk; one step of 1% ...
asmani's user avatar
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Relative Strength in Altcoins compared to Bitcoin

I trade stocks using relative strength analysis compared with S&P index. I was wondering if crypto traders do the same compared with Bitcoin price %change. These coins had a higher %gain than btc ...
mel's user avatar
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R squared of a good Trading strategy

What would you consider a decent R square value of a good trading strategy. I know R squared is not a good metric for judging trading strategies but still at an initial stage how do you decide to ...
pppp_prs's user avatar
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Why "profit factor" is used to compare trading strategies?

A lot of books/articles/trading forums mention that "profit factor" is probably the most important measure and should be used to compare different trading strategies. They define profit ...
user10697426's user avatar
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How to choose trades over time when capital is limited

Say I'm in the business of trading forward contracts. So at some point in time, I look at the markets, and determine a number of trades I could make. For each trade, I know the profit I expect to make,...
ggambetta's user avatar
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Why there is a Deviation on my RSI indicator in comparison from one of the other Trading Markets

Hello all, and sorry for this stupid question. I am using my custom RSI indicator to which I created programmatically. I follow the equation type from here. My problem is when I compare it with the ...
Panagiotis Drakatos's user avatar
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1 answer

basic stock trading strategies [closed]

What are some trading strategies for stocks (just stocks, no derivatives) using freely available online data sources?
kefeizhou's user avatar
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How to select/construct benchmarks for black-box trading strategies?

When faced with a black box trading strategy with extensive historical data available, how would one select/construct a representative benchmark? As a trivial example, when a strategy historically ...
Joseph Tanenbaum's user avatar