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Interpreting an Order Book (example

This question is unclear to me, what is your goal? It's in BTC Both BTC You can increase your BTC position and decrease your USD position by buying the pair and decrease your BTC position and increase ...
Bob Jansen's user avatar
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The bid-ask spread before transactions

Consider that sometimes the spreads at the exact moment a trade is executed can be larger than the spread before that trade, due to the effect of removing hit orders from the order book, specifically ...
Lisandro Nasini's user avatar
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Estimate Open, High and Low prices from bid, ask and close prices

To my knowledge it is not possible to precisely recover the prices. Specifically in your setup, it is not possible to do this for the Open; as recording systems usually measure the Open and the Close ...
Hans-Peter Schrei's user avatar
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Assistance understanding relation between the "Bid-ask bounce" and the "Tick rule"+"Quote rule"

The bid ask bounce is a phenomenon that you observe when you look at transaction prices in a quote driven market. Because buys and sells occur randomly, the price of the last trade changes randomly ...
nbbo2's user avatar
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Confusion about bid- ask- and last-prices from option prices data

Sometimes in bloomberg in absense of data the holes might be filled. So the last, bid and ask may be the same item of data. Sometimes in market making you can have same bid/offer or even ...
Attack68's user avatar
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using bid ask prices to imply bid ask volatilities

@Stéphane answer is quite good. There are a few more details to consider: the mids may not be arbitrage-free. If you need arbitrage-free prices, you will need to find the closest arbitrage-free ...
jherek's user avatar
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Why the highest transaction price of stock in a time period can be higher than a sell limit order price, but the order is not filled?

There are a couple of possible explanations. The first is that the order that you observed was "off the tape." That is to say, it was a large order that was filled earlier but the recording ...
Dave Harris's user avatar
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using bid ask prices to imply bid ask volatilities

As regards option prices, most people would use the midpoint of the spread as the fair price. Then, risk free rates would be computed by using the yield on very safe government fixed income ...
Stéphane's user avatar
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What is the order flow imbalance?

They are mainly two kinds of imbalances that are important in the price formation the imbalance of liquidity providers (filling the orderbook in a LOB-driven market) the imbalance of liquidity ...
lehalle's user avatar
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What is the order flow imbalance?

Intuitively, if there is 10x more depth at the bid than the ask, and trades arrive at (and are sized at) random, it is 10x more likely that the price will tick up than down. In practice, often trades ...
wildbunny's user avatar
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Does a trade always change the mid-price?

If you define the mid price as the average of the best bid and best ask price the answer is no. If there are bids for 10 lots @ 10.00 and asks for 10 lots @ 10.10 markets orders smaller than 10 lots ...
Bob Jansen's user avatar
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Where to find sample intraday data? One to two days or more

Tick Data has some sample equity data with bid/ask. First go to the Tick Data equities web site: Then find the Sample Data link.
user25043's user avatar

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