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Calculating beta to market

In a word, yes. That's a correct and valid view to take but, as you'll always find in finance, it really depends on context and the question that you're trying to answer. This is the case in markets ...
RobAbMo's user avatar
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4 votes

EAD = Drawn amount + Undrawn amount * CCF?

Your equation is right. There are 2 ways to write EAD: EAD = Drawn + a x Undrawn; or EAD = a x Limit. In both equations, a is called CCF but it is derived/estimated differently depending on which ...
nyk's user avatar
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4 votes

Portfolio VaR of a hedge portfolio (long index, short future): What total exposure to take to calculate VaR?

Firstly, your portfolio volatility of 0.74% is the variance, as the vol will be 8.6% relative your equity position. This is the Case 2 below. I will try to give you a derivation that you hopefully can ...
Pontus Hultkrantz's user avatar
3 votes

EPE for interest rate swap

The expected positive exposure The expected positive exposure of a swap (or any other type of asset) at a given date $t_i$ is the expectation of the positive part of its value at that date (as that's ...
byouness's user avatar
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To currency hedge or not to currency hedge (ETFs)?

Whether you should currency hedge or not (from a mean-variance perspective) depends on the relative volatility of the asset and the currency, and on how correlated they are. Consider an investment in ...
Chris Taylor's user avatar
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3 votes

How to interpret the (expected) exposure and CVA of an option or a single share

For a very nice reference on this matter, I recommend Pykhtin and Zhu’s Guide to Modelling Counterparty Credit Exposure, a short paper that thoroughly defines these concepts. Expected Exposure $EE(t)$...
Daneel Olivaw's user avatar
2 votes

cva for a collateralised swap

Collateral imperfections: the CVA cover the expected exposure in the event that the counterparty defaults. When the trade is collateralized and subject to variation margin. This exposure will come ...
byouness's user avatar
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Do cash accounts contribute to exposure?

I am adding on to @noob2 answer -- which, is correct if expressing exposures as a value of the fund's base currency. E.g., Fund XYZ has $1M of short equity exposure. When calculating a portfolios ...
amdopt's user avatar
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Do cash accounts contribute to exposure?

I assume you are referring to the calculation of Gross Exposure and Net Exposure, which are commonly used by Hedge Funds. These funds typically have long and/or short positions in stocks (hence they ...
nbbo2's user avatar
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Effects of hedges on counterparty exposure used for RWA computation

So, basically, the answer is no. For capital requirements Basel has three categories: a) Counterparty Credit Risk b) Market Risk c) Operation Risk All RWA calculations are additive. If your hedge ...
Attack68's user avatar
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2 votes

Confused on Portfolio's Net Exposure

A hedge fund will generally have three kinds of positions: Cash, Long Positions and Short Positions. You find the value of long positions (VLP) by adding up the dollar values of all long positions. ...
nbbo2's user avatar
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2 votes

Bond price and credit exposure in Repo agreement

A: The hedge fund is being lent bonds as collateral for the cash they are giving out. So, the net exposure to the bank is (cash out minus value of bonds being posted). Hence the answer. B: ...
dm63's user avatar
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2 votes

Validation of XVA models

This recent paper (highly recommended in its entirety) has its entire section 5 devoted to XVA model validation. You may also find these ORE ...
Dimitri Vulis's user avatar
1 vote

calculating net exposure to an index

So the return on one fund is: $1.5\alpha$ And the return on the other is: $-1.0\alpha$ Where $\alpha$ is the return of your index. And you want to target a specific return as a multiple of your ...
Attack68's user avatar
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How to estimate Dealers’ Gamma Positioning

The Hedging Demand and Market Intraday Momentum paper by Baltussen et al may be useful to answer your questions. Not only retail buys puts and sells calls, mutual funds tend to also write calls and ...
aghilario's user avatar
1 vote

FX exposure in foreign equity index futures and commodity futures

Very interesting Yes id say same logic applies to a euro commodity futures. the futures is like a series of 1 day forward contracts, so any day, your fx exposure is only on that days euro gains/losses
Randor's user avatar
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Validation of XVA models

In general, the model validation consists of several steps: Checking the model design, i.e. model theory, model assumptions, model limitations, etc.; Checking the model inputs, i.e. market data ...
B_B's user avatar
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Expected Loss on a Portfolio, which contains an asset and a default protection contract, due to credit defaults

Assuming "asset" means a credit-risky bond, and "protection" is a standard credit default swap on the same notional. Ignoring the coupons and interest payments, there are 4 ...
Dimitri Vulis's user avatar
1 vote

Exposure calculation of a re-coupon swap

If the MtM is settled and the fixed rate reset every period, then the exposure in the future is at most the BPV times the swap rate change over one period, easily modeled within any interest rate ...
Antoine Conze's user avatar
1 vote

Confused on Portfolio's Net Exposure

the gross dollar exposure is the sum of all absolute values of your dollar exposures. the net dollar exposure is the sum of all the signed values of your dollar exposures. a dollar neutral portfolio ...
Ezy's user avatar
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Is exposure at default the same thing as the limit amount on a loan?

Credit limit is the maximum amount of credit an institution will extend to the client. it is a maximum risk measure. Exposure at default is a current risk measure. The amount of of credit that is ...
AlRacoon's user avatar
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Is exposure at default the same thing as the limit amount on a loan?

EAD can also be higher than credit limit because of adding the costs of collection activities, noting that these can take a long time. As you mention, the credit limits will tend to have been maxed ...
Clive's user avatar
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Is exposure at default the same thing as the limit amount on a loan?

From mathematical perspective, EAD is the sum of contingent limit amount multiplied by cash conversion factor and cash and non cash exposures (all type of loans that is already allocated to the client)...
grtrader's user avatar
1 vote

Is exposure at default the same thing as the limit amount on a loan?

The short answer is that EAD is different from the credit limit and in many cases would be lower. For example if a corporate credit line is used for working capital purpose, the EAD might be much ...
user93611's user avatar
1 vote

How to calculate the CVA of a forward contract?

The calculations are correct; I played a little with the parameters and it seems that the risk free rate is not 2%, but 2.5%. Given this input, the exposures are 125.23 and 167.01, as given in the ...
SkorohodAlex's user avatar

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