How should dividends be considered when computing Value-at-Risk for a stock portfolio using Historic data.
To simplify let's consider a very simple portfolio of one long position on a stock. My VaR model setups is also very simple:
- I have returns for the stock for the past 500 days
- I then take the empircal distribution and call my 99% VaR as the 5th "worst" scenario
But how should I include the dividend payments for the stock? This question can be boiled down to: How should I take dividend payments into account and construct a new return series for the stock?
I have been considering to override the return at dividend payment days the following way:
$$\hat{r}_t=\frac{P_t+DVD-P_{t-1}}{P_{t-1}}$$ $\hat{r}_t$ is the new return. Are there any valid arguments that is is not a good way to tackle the problem mentioned above?