I'm studying this paper. In the formulation of the theoretical setup they state:
Our goal is to explain the differences in the cross-section of returns $R$ for individual stocks. Let $R_{t+1, i}$ denote the return of asset $i$ at time $t+1 .$ The fundamental no-arbitrage assumption is equivalent to the existence of a stochastic discount factor (SDF) $M_{t+1}$ such that for any return in excess of the risk-free rate $R_{t+1, i}^{e}=R_{t+1, i}-R_{t+1}^{f},$ it holds $$ \mathbb{E}_{t}\left[M_{t+1} R_{t+1, i}^{e}\right]=0 \quad \Leftrightarrow \quad \mathbb{E}_{t}\left[R_{t+1, i}^{e}\right]=\underbrace{\left(-\frac{\operatorname{Cov}_{t}\left(R_{t+1, i}^{e}, M_{t+1}\right)}{\operatorname{Var}_{t}\left(M_{t+1}\right)}\right)}_{\beta_{t, i}} \cdot \underbrace{\frac{\operatorname{Var}_{t}\left(M_{t+1}\right)}{\mathbb{E}_{t}\left[M_{t+1}\right]}}_{\lambda_{t}} $$ where $\beta_{t, i}$ is the exposure to systematic risk and $\lambda_{t}$ is the price of risk. $E_{t}[.]$ denotes the expectation conditional on the information at time $t .$ The SDF is an affine transformation of the tangency portfolio. Without loss of generality we consider the SDF formulation $$ M_{t+1}=1-\sum_{i=1}^{N} \omega_{t,i} R_{t+1, i}^{e}=1-\omega_{t}^{\top} R_{t+1}^{e} $$
As sources they mention Chochrane's book (Asset Pricing) and Back's book (Asset Pricing and Portfolio Choice Theory) but I can't find a derivation of $a=1, b=-1$.
Q: How can the considered SDF $M_{t+1} = a + b \omega_{t}^{\top} R_{t+1}^{e}$ with $\omega_{t}^{\top} R_{t+1}^{e}$ the tangency portfolio, $a=1$ and $b=-1$ be derived?