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Questions tagged [evt]

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Portofolio optimization using ARMA-GARCH-EVT-Copula

I am currently trying to do some portfolio optimization by reproducing the methodology found in Sahamkhadam, Stephan & Östermark (2018) ("Portfolio optimization based on GARCH-EVT-Copula ...
Edge284's user avatar
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Block maxima estimation of Expected Shortfall

I want to calculate the expected shortfall of a return series with the block maxima (BM, link) method in Extreme Value Theory, however I can't seem to find out how this should be done. All papers I'...
erik530's user avatar
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Extreme Value Theory for Value-at-Risk: Advantage versus historical simulation?

I started researching this topic and it is well covered in the literature. My understanding is that it uses a historical time series of returns of a given set of stocks and represent such ...
PHH's user avatar
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Calculate VaR using the extreme value theory

I am trying to calculate the Value at Risk for different models. But I am now confused for some reason. Could you please help me? I calculate the 1% and 5% VaR (so negative numbers) and I am also ...
Nina's user avatar
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Application of Extreme Value Theory in banking liquidity risk analysis

The regulator forces banks to assess their (intraday) liquidity risk in normal and stressed conditions see e.g. BCBS 144 principle 9. To me this sounds pretty much like a possible application of EVT ...
Richi Wa's user avatar
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