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In copula modeling for time series data, why do we need to fit ARIMA/GARCH and then work on standardized residulas.?

I have read that for standard copula modeling, you can get empirical cdf of data and use it for copulas. But for time series data, we must first fit ARIMA/GARCH, get standardized residuals, and only ...
nadeem's user avatar
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Are ARMA-GARCH-type models suitable for monthly data?

I understand that ARMA-GARCH models and their variations are usually applied to daily time series. While I know that such models can be also estimated on monthly data, I have seen few applications in ...
Barbab's user avatar
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Do I use % return, log return or diff of prices to plot ACF?

I am reading a book on time series. To make a non-stationary series stationary, sometimes we need to difference the series. When it comes to finance, prices are non-stationary. Many authors fit ARMA ...
s5s's user avatar
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What are some good models for stock price predictions?

For the fitting and forecasting of time-series data on stock price, the most frequent model I have heard of is ARIMA. ARIMA is actually conducting a regression of stock prices and residuals of stock ...
Caprikuarius's user avatar
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Can ARMA and GARCH models be estimated separately in ARMA/GARCH?

Can I use the residuals of the ARMA model to build a GARCH model(with Zero mean)? If so, does this mean that this GARCH model(with Zero mean) has no effect on ARMA's estimates. For example, if I want ...
Hengyuan Liu's user avatar
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Expected Shortfall for ARMA-GARCH Model

I need to find an analytical solution for the 99% confidence expected shortfall (CVaR) for a long position of 100 dollars at time $t$ for an asset with returns modeled by an ARMA(1,1)-GARCH(1,1) model ...
MathDiver1750's user avatar
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Combining SARIMA and GARCH model for prediction in python

I need to understand the concept of combining (S)ARIMA and (G)ARCH model for the predicting time-series data. I understand that after fitting the arima model ...
BlueMango's user avatar
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ARMA-GARCH Forecasting [closed]

I want to forecast a differenced time series of an Index using the combined ARMA-GARCH model (because I want to forecast the mean and not the variance). My model is a ARMA(2,2)-GARCH(1,1) model. So ...
user2968163's user avatar
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Distribution of AR and MA polynoms roots in ARMA/ARMA-GARCH models

I have another noob question. So, for example, I have ARMA(2,2) model: $$ x_{t} = \phi_{1}x_{t-1} + \phi_{2}x_{t-2} + e_{t} + \theta_{1} e_{t-1} + \theta_{2} e_{t-2}$$. So, I have 2 polynoms: $$1 - \...
Dmitriy's user avatar
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distribution of AR, MA coefficients estimation in ARMA-GARCH models

could anyone give me an information about distributions of AR and MA coefficients via estimation? So, for example, I have ARMA(1,1)-GARCH(1,1) model with the same AR(1) and MA(1) parameters ...
Dmitriy's user avatar
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10 votes
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ARMA+GARCH prediction with package rugarch (R)

I am analyzing FTSE 100 series, from 2007-01-01 to 2010-12-31 (university exam homework). I have to use the data 'til 2010-11-30 as sample, and the remaining (23) observations as in-sample forecast (...
simmy's user avatar
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Is it too important that my residuals be normal? I am Using an ARMA/GARCH model

I am trying to fit an ARMA/GARCH model to a time series. I found that the best candidate is an ARMA(1,0) + GARCH(1,1) with gaussian white noise It has coefficients with p-values near cero and the ...
Rodrigo Guinea's user avatar
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Is there any way to easily estimate and forecast seasonal ARIMA-GARCH model in any software?

I use R to estimate a seasonal ARIMA(8,0,0)(5,0,1)[7] model for the seasonal differences of logs of daily electricity prices: ...
stofer's user avatar
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Filtering out AR(1) effects before using stochastic volatility model

I wonder if I first filter out AR(1) (autoregressive model with lag 1) effects from univariate time series and then fit stochastic volatility model does above procedure introduce any bias at first or ...
Qbik's user avatar
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