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Yield curve PCA: levels or daily moves?

I have tried using both yield curve levels as well as daily moves (absolute change) while doing PCA. Using both types of input/dataset gives me roughly the same shape in terms of principal components ...
abckk's user avatar
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Principal component analysis on a yield curve

When conducting principal component analysis on the yield curve, PC1 = constant (level shift), PC2 = Slope, PC3 = Curvature. How do you interpret PC>3, e.g. PC 4?
One Pablo's user avatar
3 votes
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Bond Hedging: PCA and regression based hedge ratios

This is my first question and I would very much appreciate any help. For a project I am trying to compare different hedging techniques for hedging a long portfolio of bonds. I have a history of ...
ratesandslates's user avatar
3 votes
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Hedging a trade for PCA component neutrality

Suppose I am given a set of financial instruments, e.g. {1Y, 2Y, ..., 30Y} interest rate swaps or {Barclays, Lloyds, .. } FTSE100 companies. It doesn't matter which so let's go with IRS. I have ...
Attack68's user avatar
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pca for yield curve

I used Principe component analysis on yield curve data this was the result ...
Pelumi's user avatar
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stress testing zero coupon yield curve

i'm currently trying to stress test the zero coupon yield curve using daily observations from 2003 to 2019. Each Zero coupon yield curve originate from an actuarial curve with 37 tenors that range ...
DeeTee's user avatar
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2 votes
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Reconstruct yield curve from principal components

I am currently building a model which aim is to model shocks to the yield curve (i.e. 25bps hike in the short rate). Currently I am looking at a swap curve from which I derive the PCs. Assessing the ...
Oskar's user avatar
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