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How is future-starting swap PnL decomposed?

So I understand that carry is simply the cost of holding a trade (say for this example, you receive the 10Y rate), and is a fixed known quantity not based on any assumptions (carry = the difference in ...
Tempor's user avatar
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What do bloomberg mean by this carry measure? On page two, they say SELECTION & REBALANCE On a monthly basis, the carry measure for each ...
elypticla's user avatar
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Carry of a short bond position

I am short a 30yr treasury. I am told (in a previous answer linked) that the 6 month carry of this position is given by $$ Rate(0, 30y) - Rate(6m, 29.5y) $$ Where the first term is the current rate ...
Charles's user avatar
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Carry of a 5s/30s steepener relative to that of an outright long

I understand that the carry of a steepener trade is the cost of financing the position e.g. the rate you are receiving on your short-end long, net the rate you are paying to short the long-end. ...
Charles's user avatar
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Seeking carry on the swap curve

I am considering the carry profile of a 3M forward 5s/30s swap curve steepener in a pre-easing environment (pre fed rate cut). Basically, in 3 months, I will enter into two different swaps: (1) A swap ...
Charles's user avatar
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Carry Roll Calculation for Interest Rate Swaps in Nordea Note

In the Nordea note linked in few other posts related to carry roll calculation there is a calculation/example for the formulas provided. I'm ...
nichel's user avatar
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Carry and Roll on Interest rate Swap [duplicate]

Only spot starting swaps have a known fixing, F(0,6m). There’s no carry in a forward starting swap as there’s no certain payments (on the float leg). This is claimed in an excellent research note by ...
Pavan Sharma's user avatar
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Carry & Roll for Upfront CDS

We can decompose the P&L for a CDS Position as follows: P&L = P&L(Carry) + P&L(Roll-Down) + P&L(Curve Shift) For a fixed horizon (h), Notional (N) and CDS Spread for a maturity T (...
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