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Volatility surface PCA and SABR explanation gap

I am wondering how would the results of PCA on a volatility surface would be used differently than the SABR parameters. Given the first three components of a PCA are related to level, smile and skew, ...
sigma1988's user avatar
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Can you use a forward rate curve to infer the SABR model parameters?

I am currently doing a thesis on a class of SDE parameter inference methods and using the SABR model as an example for inference. I want to extend the application to market data. My question is does ...
FledglingQuant's user avatar
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SABR model - beta

In the SABR model, the parameter beta largely controls the back-bond behaviour of the model. How do people estimate beta? One approach is to regress atm vol vs forward, i.e. $$\ln(\textrm{atm vol}) = \...
JohnRoper's user avatar
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Why can't the curve find the least squares parameters when I used it in SABR model? (SABR Calibration)

Follow is the SABR function part of my code in python: ...
Hester S's user avatar
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Calibrate the SABR model to the implied volatility surface

I'm currently trying to calibrate the SABR model. The question I have is that when I consider papers and other websites I only come across cases where the SABR parameters are calibrated to the implied ...
jsr_dl's user avatar
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How to build a volatility surface for caps from the SABR model?

My end goal is to build a volatility surface for caps. It's well known that SABR model has Hagan approximation formulas for log-normal and normal implied volatilities of options, e.g. caplets, ...
Hasek's user avatar
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SABR vs Dupire: when to use what?

I was wondering for which products one would use the (AF)SABR model and for which ones Dupire's Local Volatility model. If I understand correctly, Dupire is by construction Arbitrage-Free but produces ...
victorinux's user avatar
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Interpreting SABR calibration model output

Calibrate a SABR model? Following on from this question, I have used the same market data they attached but am unsure on interpreting the output. When I plot the SABR probabilities against strike for ...
rosietaylor11's user avatar
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How to Calibrate SABR parameters by fixing Beta(Quantlib XL/Python)

Unable to find a good example for either Quantlib XL/Python where we can calibrate Alpha, Rho and Nu by fixing Beta. Any help would be appreciated
Srini's user avatar
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Is there a ZABR model on Quantlib XL

I am relatively new to QuantlibXL and would like to build a ZABR model in excel. But I cant find much help online. Any help would be appreciated
Srini's user avatar
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Hagan et. al original argument for SABR

In the original SABR paper (Hagan et al 2002 ), the introduction of the famous model is motivated by the observation that local volatility models spot dynamics work the wrong way. As the spot ...
Mr_3_7's user avatar
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How to find the right Shift for the SABR Model

I'm looking for the right approche to find the right Shift for the SABR Model.
Gogo78's user avatar
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simple SABR model & negative strikes

My goal is to calibrate a simple SABR model. I do have $tenor$, $expiry$, $forward$ and "market volatilities for strike spread" ranging from -150 to 150 bps. I think the model can only be ...
PalimPalim's user avatar
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The Free Boundary SABR: Natural Extension to Negative Rates

In the paper by Antonov, Konikov and Spector An alternative approximation for the SABR model is presented. I'm interested to implement the formula for the ATM swaptions implied volatilities in the ...
FunnyBuzer's user avatar
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SABR Question: Why does the market take the beta parameter as a constant?

SABR Question Why does the market take the $\beta$ parameter as a "constant"? I see most brokers quoting SABR parameters nowadays. I've seen many banks use $\beta$=0.5 as a rule. I've seen quants ...
Mike's user avatar
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Calibrate a SABR model?

How do you calibrate a SABR model using R/Python/Matlab? Using the data example from: 1) How does one calibrate the SABR model? 2) How ...
clairegooner's user avatar
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5 answers

What is the importance of alpha, beta, rho in the SABR volatility model?

I just read that SABR model is a stochastic volatility model, which attempts to capture the volatility smile in derivatives markets. The name stands for "stochastic alpha, beta, rho", referring to the ...
user330060's user avatar