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Bond price using simple interest

I'm trying to model the price of a bond and having some trouble understanding how the "simple" convention works. The bond in question is IL0011948028. I'm able to replicate BBG's price using ...
user76118's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

How do you extract only prices for an index from Bloomberg?

I’m trying to get data from an index on Bloomberg terminal into excel with BDH command. Specifically I am trying to get all of the closing prices for each company in the Russell 2000 index for every ...
Bertina Kudrin's user avatar
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Bloomberg Excel API for Hourly Volume Data

I'm trying to download hourly trading volume data via the Bloomberg Excel API. For context, this is the formula I'm using, which pulls hourly trading data for Apple between Dec. 10, 2021 and Dec. 17, ...
lithium123's user avatar
0 votes
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Spread duration curve by issuer or by sector

I was surprised to see that spread duration was not offered as a curve in Bloomberg. As a result, I'm trying to find a curve (in Bloomberg) or build a curve (maybe using the Excel API) which ...
mogwai's user avatar
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Bloomberg API / Excel Add In - Delisted Stocks

So I am using the Bloomberg Excel add in but can also use the API. My dilemma is I have a list of tickers containing SP500 historical constituents and I have retrieved 600 of them from an alternative ...
RHH's user avatar
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1 answer

Bloomberg Excel API, how to extract one number out of BDS

The BDS function provided by the Bloomberg Excel plugin produces multiple cells. For example, =BDS("VOD LN Equity", "TICK_SIZE_TABLE") fills three columns and 19 rows of data. The ...
Jeremy Bloggs's user avatar
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Building a fundamental equity scoring model based on data from Bloomberg

I have identified around 20 interesting statistics for a universe of stocks, regarding metrics of size, growth, valuation, quality, risk. Think market cap, free float, average daily volume. The ...
Friedrich's user avatar
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Best way to get Sharpe ratio and volatility based on BBG-data in Excel for automation

For tickerized portfolios in PRTU, I want to extract Sharpe ratios and historic volatilities per annum or for 1, 3, 5 years from Bloomberg. So far, I have been ...
Friedrich's user avatar
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Bloomberg bond clean price and accrued amount differs from Quantlib

I'm getting the different bond clean price from Bloomberg and from QL but surprisingly Bloomberg price matches with excel price() function I have the following bond : GETC21117030. The parameters are ...
Levan's user avatar
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1 answer

Populating price data from Bloomberg in Excel with BDH via macro not returning time series

Though issue has been addressed before on stackoverflow and reddit, I was not able to find any useful answers. I'm running a macro to populate price data with a macro via excel bloomberg API, say <...
Friedrich's user avatar
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How to use quantlib Excel for valuation of european swaption with vol surface to calibrate?

I would like to replicate the following Bloomberg pricer in quantlib using Quantlib xl. Is it possible? Thanks
supermastercode's user avatar
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Find Interest Rate Swap BUMPs from Bloomberg in Excel

I have a bunch of plain vanilla interest rate swap contracts with all the relevant details regarding payment structure such as notional, fixed rate, index, payment frequency, reset convention, etc.. ...
Dr. Kandy Junior's user avatar
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How can I get real-time CDOR rate, swaps, and options pricing data refreshed on a daily basis in Excel?

I'm currently using "Bloomberg Anywhere", which is the same as Bloomberg Terminal except account-specific rather than PC/hardware-specific. I currently have to refresh the rates every morning at ...
Arron Tran's user avatar
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Extract historic share prices for certain securities at certain points in time with Bloomberg Excel Add-in? [closed]

In order to create some sort of basic framework for everything we are planning on doing in a research project, we would need to get historic intraday data about share prices at certain points in time. ...
David O.'s user avatar
-1 votes
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How to compare bonds in terms of volume traded in Bloomberg Excel Add-in?

I want to compare how much bonds of a handful of companies have been traded over the last years and pick the most traded bond for each company via the Excel add-in. One example of what I have tried ...
LenaH's user avatar
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-1 votes
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(Bloomberg) BDP Formula question [closed]

Good Morning, I am using the below formula and need some help, how do I change the below strike price (400) to pull from a separate cell (T2) I have on the spreadsheet? ...
Dominic's user avatar
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Bloomberg formula for bond total return

Do you know a bloomberg excel formula to retrieve the dayly total return of a bond over a period? By total return I mean : (change in price + coupon)/initial price Same as for a stock but with ...
A.david's user avatar
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Pulling portfolio from bloomberg

I am not sure wether I should post this question here or on stack overflow, but I'll give it a shot anyway. I am trying to get my portfolio from PORT in bloomberg. Basically I am trying to automate a ...
A.david's user avatar
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3 votes
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Price at Specific Time from Bloomberg

I have a file where I easily export real-time prices to excel using the Bloomberg Add-In, using the formula BDP. Is there a way to get these prices of a specific time? For example, =BDP("EURGBP ...
Jo.'s user avatar
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1 vote
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What are Generic government treasury bonds? (Bloomberg terminal)

I have a project at school were we are supposed to find the generic series for US treasury bonds, and then download daily data for 3 years. I have found the bb ticker, but i don't understand the ...
TheNarsisisst's user avatar
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Bond characteristics using Bloomberg in Excel

I would like to retrieve bond characteristics (bond type, coupon type etc.) for corporate bond ISINs using the Bloomberg Excel Addin. I tried ...
GrafZ4hl's user avatar
-1 votes
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Extract Corporate Bond volume

Is it possible to extract the volume of Corporate bonds in Bloomberg with BDP, BDH or BDS function ? Example : 958254AC8 Corp; 98389BAM2 Corp; 94974BFP0 Corp. Doesn't seem like it's possible, even if ...
Sherbrooke's user avatar
-1 votes
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Forward 12m EPS Growth and its Earning Revision using Bloomberg

I'm currently trying to figure out how to use data from Bloomberg to create some analysis on a company's performance using Excel/R. How can I find the Forward 12m EPS Growth, its 1m Earning Revision ...
Nyxynyx's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Export security description data from bloomberg into excel

I have the cusip of about 300 bonds. I want to retrieve the security description from bloomberg and then export it into excel. Does anyone have any tips as to how to accomplish this?
bondzgu3st's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Bloomberg Libor Rates

I load swap rates data from Bloomberg in excel using the command =BDH(Ticker,"Px Last",Start_Date,End_Date,"Dts",FALSE) The tickers I use are "USSW1 Curncy", "...
Ludo's user avatar
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Obtaining logical lists of Bloomberg security codes in Excel

I am using Bloomberg's BDP and BDH functions in excel to retrieve data for a set of options. The problem is that (as underlying prices move and expiration dates come and go) option strikes are ...
Leo's user avatar
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Exporting Time Series Data For Securities Prices From Bloomberg to Excel

I have a list of securities over a thousand entries long that I want to construct a time series of prices for over a specified historical period (e.g. 2/01/10-2/20/10). Doing this manually would take ...
Sargera's user avatar
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Clarifying the way in counting number of weeks for calculating historical weekly volatility in Bloomberg

I would like to confirm the way to counting number of weeks for calculating historical weekly volatility in Bloomberg. Given an option with issue date from 14/1/2014 to 13/1/2019, is the proper way to ...
Dennis's user avatar
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