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Why are multiple custom curves (swap) built for one desk?

Currently in a journey of learning and getting my hands a bit dirty with Interest Rate Swaps. Why there are multiple customized curves built by many even within one desk? For e.g. Short Rates desk ...
bonCodigo's user avatar
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Mid-curve swaption

I would like to know how the mid-curve swaption could inform us about forward volatility. In my understanding it is a swaption on a forward starting swap. Let us say the midcurve swaption expires ...
Jiem's user avatar
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Why can a swap option be regarded as a type of Bond option?

Why can a swap option be regarded as a type of bond option? My idea: Suppose the swap rate of the swaption is $s$. Now consider a bond option expiring at $T$ with strike, $(P_K)_t = \dfrac{1}{1+s(T-...
Ryan J. Shrott's user avatar
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Pricing of compounded swaps

As far as I understand, a compounded swap rolls up individual payments into one final payment which becomes: $$ V(t_n) = N \prod_{i = 0}^{n-1}(1 + d_i L_i)-N $$ where $d_i$ is the day fraction for ...
Confounded's user avatar
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How to compute for basis adjusted forward rate?

To give you a brief background, I'm valuing a fixed-for-float Interest Rate Swap (IRS) using Bloomberg. I put in a notional amount in (USD) and a assigned 6MO USD LIBOR as the reference index for the ...
Carlos F.'s user avatar
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STIR topics: Implied FX-OIS Basis and FX Forward/Swap Pricing

if someone could provide some clarity on the below: What is meant by 'Implied FX-OIS Basis'? For example: "ON JPY trading at parity, 1W implied OIS basis moved 70BP" and "3M Implied OIS basis moved ...
justaboy's user avatar
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Forward Swap Rate calculation using Quantlib

Here, we have an example for the calculation of Forward Swap Rate - How to compute forward swap rates? Below is my Forward Swap - ...
Bogaso's user avatar
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What's the difference between instantaneous forward rates and observable forward rates?

Source: "In contrast to models that evolve the instantaneous short rate (Hull-White, Black-Karasinski models) or ...
VVKK77's user avatar
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Transform a 3M FRA Rate to a 6M FRA Rate

I have a question whether it is possible to transform 3M FRA rates to 6M FRA rates without having any spreads available. Let's give an example: FRA 3M: FRA 1x4 FRA 2x5 FRA 3x6 FRA 4x7 FRA 5x8 FRA ...
JonDoe's user avatar
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forward space vs zero space in finance jargon

Would anyone know what does it mean to value an asset in "forward space" versus "zero space" ? where does one start from when trying to dig into the meaning of this? Thanks in advance.
Kriska's user avatar
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3 answers

Are forward rates for an IRS computed between reset dates or between start dates?

In order to price the floating leg of an IRS I am computing forward rates for future coupons, but I'm not sure whether I have to compute such rates between reset dates or between start dates. My ...
WannabeQuant's user avatar
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Convert 3M rates to 6M rates using Basis Swaps (3M vs 6M)

How can I convert a 6M Libor rate e.g. 1Y Tenor to a 3M Libor rate using a basis swap 3M vs. 6M? I wanted to know the math and also an example would be great. Update: Example: ...
JonDoe's user avatar
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Relationship Between Forward Starting Swap Rates and Same-Tenor Forward Rates

New to all this. I'm playing around with a very basic swap pricer (in Excel, whose only input is the swap rate curve), and I noticed that although the 2y2y forward rate $f_{2,4}=\left(\frac{DF_2}{DF_4}...
WinSomeLoseMost's user avatar
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Splitting a spot swap into a forward swap and a 3 month libor

I read the following statement: We can construct a 5 year swap using 3 month libor combined with a 3mo-4.75yr forward swap, weighted by the dv01s of each part. I am not sure I understand how this ...
rosso's user avatar
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Interest Rate forward calculation [closed]

I have come across two formulas for the forward interest rate computation.These are given below. 1)((Df1/Df2)-1)/(T2-T1) 2) (R2T2-R1T1)/(T2-T1) I do not understand when should i use which one of the ...
toobigtofail's user avatar
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Which Discount Rate when Valuing Interest Rate Swaps as Forward Rate Agreements

Quick question about interest rate swaps and Forward Rate Agreements (FRAs). In Hull Chapter 4 (Interest Rates), to value an FRA he constructs the following portfolio: Position 1 (FRA to receive $R_K$ ...
Severian's user avatar
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Bootstrap daily OIS forward rate

Can someone please show me how to derive the daily OIS forward rate in a OIS-fixed rate swap? For example, if price a paying fixed rate/receiving OIS swap in Bloomberg SWPM, Bloomberg will be able ...
pqsn's user avatar
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Basis Swap Dual Curve Calibration

The long end of the Libor swap curve needs to be constructed from Basis Swaps because there are no other instruments traded. Can please someone explain the concept of Dual Curve Calibration?
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