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why is z spread and asw spread similar when cash price is around par?

I break down my questions to below two sub questions based on my understanding, asw spread is the spread added to the floating leg in the interest rate swap so that the present value of the floating ...
user76069's user avatar
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How do you map bond RepFlows into forward swap RepFlows?

RepFlows Practically speaking, a RepFlow is a vectorised representation of the cash flows from investing in a cash instrument that can be used for modelling. For example, an investment of £1 today (...
quanty's user avatar
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How to convert 3M IRS rate to 6M IRS rate without using basis swap?

I have a spot curve where the front-end points (1Y, 2Y) have a fixed/float frequency of 3M3M, while the rest of the points are 6M6M. I want to build a full 6M6M curve. My question is: How can I derive ...
Xiao's user avatar
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Why is carry divided by DV01 to scale it?

If I understand correctly, 6M carry in a fixed-floating interest rate swap should be the difference between the fixed and floating leg. When I read this on Page 2:
junior_pm's user avatar
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How to calculate the gaussian VaR for a portfolio with 3 corporate bonds and 1 IRS payer?

As data I have the daily change of zero coupon spot rates for some vertex (0.25, 0.5, 1, 2..) and the daily change of z-spread for corporate bonds, also by vertex
Alessandro Campagna's user avatar
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Duration of Floating rate bond

I have read in several places that the duration of a floating rate bond is simply the time until next coupon payment, because the upcoming coupon payments are not known. I have 2 questions here: Why ...
pussret's user avatar
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What does it mean for a coupon bond to have "par value"?

I am doing the Interest Rate Models course on Coursera. In the third lecture of the second week, the lecturer provides this lemma: Lemma 1 A coupon bond has par value at $T_0$ if and only if its ...
user54908's user avatar
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heding bond risk with swap

How would a bond trader hedge his/her interest rate risk? A nature way is to hedge it with interest rate swap. Is this a choice in practice ? is their any risks associating with this hedging strategy. ...
Peaceful's user avatar
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Why can a swap option be regarded as a type of Bond option?

Why can a swap option be regarded as a type of bond option? My idea: Suppose the swap rate of the swaption is $s$. Now consider a bond option expiring at $T$ with strike, $(P_K)_t = \dfrac{1}{1+s(T-...
Ryan J. Shrott's user avatar