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Game Theory Brainteaser

Seeking help / thought process guidance on the following interview problem, which seems centred on game theory Setup: there’s a number X which we can measure once with error following N(0, 1). We can ...
Let's user avatar
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A question in information strucutres and probability measures - How are they connected?

Suppose that $\mathcal{I}=(X,\sigma^{\mathcal{X}},\mu)$ is an information strucutre, which is a probability space, where $X=X^1\times X^2$ is the cartesian product of the individual finite sets of ...
Hunger Learn's user avatar
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sub-Gaussian random variables in financial economics

Unlike financial time series that typically possess fat tails, sub-Gaussian random variables have strong decay in the tails of their distribution. do sub-Gaussian random variables or processes appear ...
develarist's user avatar
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Two commodities which are normal distributed and perfectly correlated

The daily price change in commodity 1 is distributed $N(0,0.15^2)$ and the daily price change in commodity 2 is distributed $N(0,0.3^2)$. The two commodities are 100% correlated. 1) Does the relative ...
Trajan's user avatar
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What is the Probability Distribution of Max-Drawdown?

How to obtain the probability distribution of Maximum Drawdown, starting from the probability distribution of Daily Returns? Here the details: Suppose I have a time serie of N=1000 daily returns. ...
elemolotiv's user avatar
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Quantile with periodic investing

Short Version Can I get a quantile of such an expression? \begin{equation} \sum_{k=1}^{n} A_k\exp(\mathcal{N}(t_k\mu-\sigma\sqrt{t_k}/2,\sigma))) \end{equation} I know I can do it for one part of ...
silgon's user avatar
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Quantile normal and lognormal

Let's assume we have a normal distribution $X\sim \mathcal{N}(\mu,\sigma^2)$. In a normal distribution the quantile can be calculated as follows: \begin{equation} \Phi_X ^{-1}(p)=\mu +\sigma {\sqrt {...
silgon's user avatar
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Box-Muller Method Proof

Here we want to show that the Box-Muller method generates a pair of independent standard Gaussian random variables. But I don't understand why we use the determinant? For me when you have two ...
A. B's user avatar
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$\mathbb{P}$ and $\mathbb{Q}$ probability measure/distribution interpretations

I'm trying to understand probability distributions implied from market prices and was reading through this reference explaining the interpretation of $N(d_1)$ and $N(d_2)$ in the log-normal vol Black-...
jake_r's user avatar
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Creating the histogram for the distribution of the portfolio returns

Given log returns for some stocks $A$ and $B$, which are the constituents of our hypothetical portfolio in equal weights, how does one actually come up with a distribution of the log returns of the ...
naz's user avatar
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Confidence Intervals of Stock Following a Geometric Brownian Motion

In preparation for my Options, Future's and Risk Management examination next week, I have been presented with a series of questions and their answers. Unfortunately, my lecturer, one of the less ...
Gustavo Louis G. Montańo's user avatar
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Normally Distributed Returns Become Leptokurtic Due to Compounding

I was running a bunch of simple simulations in excel the other day in excel. Using the NORM.INV(RAND(),0,1) to simulate daily stock returns I noticed that the more compounded the returns, ie, the more ...
jessica's user avatar
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Creditworthiness indicator for copula one-factor model

In this paper in equation 15 on page 261 dealing with one factor copula model, one is using creditworthiness indicator as one of a variables. It is defined as \begin{equation} Y_c = \sqrt{\rho_c} Z +...
Karusmeister's user avatar