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Caplet volatility formula

Consider an ATM caplet with maturity $T$ and delivery $T+\tau$. In the book Interest Rate Models (Brigo and Mercurio), page 81, the authors define the model caplet volatility as the unique value of $\...
Pedro's user avatar
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How ql.optionlet calculates the atm forward, I calculate it manually but I got a different result

** for example, 2024-06-03 df = 0.977351 2024-09-03 df = 0.966416 And we use the most ez way to calculate it like this use daycounter act360 manual_atm_forward = (df_start / df_end) ** (1 / t) - 1 = (...
Richael Kam's user avatar
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Validate spread of simulated rates under the LMM

Looking for a way to validate the spread of simulated forward rates from the LMM model. Test Log-Normality for LIBOR forward rates under the Libor Market Model this post suggests using the simulated ...
D. Welch's user avatar
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ATM cap prices in Vasicek model (Filipovic)

I am trying to replicate the ATM cap prices in table 7.1 (see bottom of this post) from Filipovic's book "Term Structure Models - A Graduate Course" which assume the Vasicek model and uses ...
Landscape's user avatar
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Relation (approximate??) between Swap rate and Cap strike

I just have come across some relation between Interest rate swap and strike of Cap as below $K_{Cap Strike} = \frac{1}{1 + r \...
Brian Smith's user avatar
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QuantLib Python: How to print each caplet/floorlet value, intrinsic value and time value at each fixing date?

I have the following code to price a floor (can also be used for cap), and have been computing the payoff myself, but I think QL can already do this. Since the cashflows I print out aren't correct as ...
PythonAutomation's user avatar
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How to price an inflation caplet/floorlet using Bachelier Formula?

I am trying to recalculate the prices of inflation cap in order to calibrate a SABR model. I have this table which gives me the normal volatilities values in % for the different strikes and different ...
EOST's user avatar
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Which expiry interpolation method for caplet/floorlet surfaces?

I want to bootstrap an (implied volatility) caplet/floorlet surface from quoted cap/floor volatilities on a fixed strike grid. I'm thinking about either using a left-continuous or a linear ...
BerndSchmitz's user avatar
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How to understand wedge?

It is heard that trading wedges (cap/floor straddle - swaption) is actually trading the correlation btw forward rates. How to understand this? Either swaption or cap/floor seem to be insensitive to ...
JUW's user avatar
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Caplet stripping in the bwd-looking RFR world with/without maturity adjustment

Since the beginning of this year, LIBOR rates have ceased in some markets like GBP, CHF, and JPY and rates pricing has moved into the RFR space, using compounded overnight rates as the underlying for ...
KevinT's user avatar
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Which Model Should I Use for Pricing USD Interest Rate Caps (7, 10, 30 year maturities) on 1Month Rates?

I am trying to price USD interest rate caps on 1M rates (e.g., LIBOR, SOFR, etc.). The caps are designed to limit the exposure on non-callable USD Pay Float / Receive fixed positions in interest rate ...
ExcelRates's user avatar
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Caplet delta hedging

I have had a really hard time trying to simulate the delta hedging of a caplet. When I compare the process to delta hedging a call on a stock (which I already did without much trouble), I found some ...
xdw15's user avatar
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Should one calibrate SABR model on caps or caplets?

I want to build a volatility surface for caps on a 3M index implied from SABR model. I have a set of cap normal volatilities for a range of strikes (4%, 6%, 8%, 10% and ATM) and maturities (1, 2, 3, 4 ...
Hasek's user avatar
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Where can I find caplet implied volatility data?

I am looking for caplet implied volatility data for Libor-EUR. Is there any online data base etc. available to get such data? Does ...
Brian Smith's user avatar
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Show that the price of a LIBOR rate paid in advance is a linear combination of caplets

Let $L(t, T_1, T_2)$ be the forward LIBOR rate at time $t$ for the period $T_1$ to $T_2$. If a security pays some multiple of $L(T_1, T_1, T_2)$ at time $T_1$, how can we show that the price of this ...
Ronnie268's user avatar
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IR Cap Forward Premium

A well known broker quotes cap/floors as spot premium for ATM straddles but forward premium for the skew, given that the difference between spot premium and forward premium is that the option is not ...
BrownianBread's user avatar
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What is the correct volatility to use for inverting Black76?

I'm using VCUB on Bloomberg for ATM cap volatilities and have noticed there are a few "flavors" of volatilities. I would like simply use ATM flat vols to bootstrap forward volatilities from ...
Carp's user avatar
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Where can (current) interest rate cap prices be found?

I'm somewhat new to interest rate models and am interested in obtaining ATM cap prices and volatilities for calibration purposes (Black-Derman-Toy, Hull-White, etc.). Ideally, this would enable me to ...
Carp's user avatar
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Forward starting zero-coupon bonds

We trivially have that: $$\frac{Z(t_0,t_1)}{Z(t_0,t_2)}=1+\tau L(t_0,t_1,t_2)$$ Where $L(t_0,t_1,t_2)$ is the forward Libor between $t_1$ and $t_2$, as of $t_0$. Simply inverting this relationship ...
Jan Stuller's user avatar
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Quantlib error initializing CapFloor C++ Class

I'd like to use QuantLib as a C++ library to price interest rate derivatives, in particular Cap&Floors. To semplify things a little, let's say I have a vector of EURLibor1Y rates for different ...
Matteo Campagnoli's user avatar
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Caplet "in arrears" pricing formula

The forward Libor rate $L(t,t_1,t_2)$, with $0 \leq t \leq t_1$, must be a martingale under the T-forward measure associated with the zero coupon bond $P(t,t_2)$ that matures at time $t_2$. Pricing a ...
Jan Stuller's user avatar
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Where to find Caps/Floor historical data?

I'm trying to calibrate the Lognormal Forward Libor Model to market data, in order to calculate market implied volatilities. However, I'm having some troubles finding any Cap/Floor historic price. Not ...
Matteo Campagnoli's user avatar
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What is the correct implied volatility to use when valuing an FRA option?

To my understanding the value of an FRA option is identical to that of a caplet of equal maturity, strike and tenor. A volatility surface of cap implied volatilities is generally available, and from ...
Oscar's user avatar
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