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Questions tagged [data]

Questions about handling, obtaining, generating, or analyzing all types of financial or economic data. Please use a more accurate tag if possible; for instance: tick-data, fundamentals, market-data, option-data, ticker-mapping, etc.

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109 votes
7 answers

Where to download list of all common stocks traded on NYSE, NASDAQ and AMEX?

I have a very basic data question: how to get a list of all common stocks traded on NYSE, NASDAQ and AMEX? I would need to be able to get the approximate list of common stocks as is available in ...
Samo's user avatar
  • 1,091
94 votes
10 answers

Building Financial Data Time Series Database from scratch

My company is starting a new initiative aimed at building a financial database from scratch. We would be using it in these ways: Time series analysis of: a company's financial data (ex: IBM's total ...
mountainclimber11's user avatar
94 votes
14 answers

Innovative ways of visualizing financial data

Finance is drowning in a deluge of data. Humans are not very good at comprehending large amounts of data. One way out may be visualization. Traditional ways of visualizing patterns, complexities and ...
vonjd's user avatar
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50 votes
4 answers

How much data is needed to validate a short-horizon trading strategy?

Suppose one has an idea for a short-horizon trading strategy, which we will define as having an average holding period of under 1 week and a required latency between signal calculation and execution ...
Tal Fishman's user avatar
  • 13.6k
43 votes
8 answers

What broker/feed/APIsetup allows for recording the most accurate data (cheaply)?

I'm currently using IB's Java API and getting feeds through them. However the real-time feed is updated only every 250ms and the historical feed only every second. I'm primarily looking for ES data ...
37 votes
7 answers

Usage of NoSQL storage in Finance

I am wondering if anyone has used NoSQL (mongodb, cassandra, etc.) to store and analyze data. I tried searching the web but was not able to see if the financial firms had gotten in to using nosql ...
user697697's user avatar
33 votes
9 answers

What is the best data structure/implementation for representing a time series?

I was wondering what is best practice for representing elements in a time series, especially with large amounts of data. The focus/context is in a back testing engine and comparing multiple series. ...
dizzy's user avatar
  • 591
33 votes
5 answers

What is a good broker for HFT?

Currently I trade trough IB. I run my HFT strategies (100 roundtrips per hour) but I think that latency is killing me and my profits are shrinking. I need the fastest possible brokers out there which ...
user40's user avatar
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32 votes
9 answers

How should I store tick data?

How should I store tick data? For example, if I have an IB trading account, how should I download and store the tick data directly to my computer? Which software should I use?
Marko 's user avatar
  • 461
30 votes
11 answers

Training set of tick-by-tick data?

I'm looking to find a free source of tick by tick data (<1sec) for training purposes. It doesn't need to be longer than a day, and I don't care what instrument, or exchange, or time it is. I just ...
nurxg's user avatar
  • 401
29 votes
9 answers

Any known bugs with Yahoo Finance adjusted close data ?

Yahoo Finance allows you to download tables of their daily historical stock price data. The data includes an adjusted closing price that I thought I might use to calculate daily log returns as a ...
Paul's user avatar
  • 523
27 votes
8 answers

What kind of basic framework or application do you use to run your trading algorithms?

I heard about MetaTrader from Is there any other framework or program available? Do you use different software for backtracking and running your trading algorithms? Thank ...
24 votes
20 answers

Is "eoddata" a good data source?

Not sure if this is a relevant question for site, but I am looking to move to as my data source. If anyone has used it, can you tell me how the data quality is ? I am currently ...
silencer's user avatar
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22 votes
4 answers

data on historical stock price of bankrupt companies

does anybody know a site where I can download historical data on stocks including companies that have gone bankrupt such as lehman brothers? it appears that bankrupt companies no longer appear in the ...
kamikaze_pilot's user avatar
21 votes
11 answers

Free intra-day equity data source

Are there any free data source for historical US equity data? Yahoo finance has daily prices but I'm looking for something more granular and goes back 2 or more years (doesn't have to be close to tick ...
kefeizhou's user avatar
  • 357
19 votes
3 answers

R: How feasible is it to store -- and work with -- tick data in a database connected to R?

I'm looking to convert some tickdata .csv files into a database on a local disk and then use R to call the data and do my various analytics and modelling. What are some best practices / ...
n.e.w's user avatar
  • 437
19 votes
2 answers

How to update an exponential moving average with missing values?

Say you have an Exponential Moving Average being continuously updated over a time series using 1-second-long time periods. What should happen if there is no value for the next second, e.g. there were ...
Steve Severance's user avatar
19 votes
4 answers

How to get list of all CUSIPS/ISIN?

I want a list of all CUSIPs/ISINs. It would be nice if they were also categorized (e.g. Bonds/Funds etc). Where can I get such a data?
pathikrit's user avatar
  • 241
19 votes
2 answers

Do you have historical tick data you want to donate?

Do you have historical market/pricing ticket data that you would like to donate to the Open Source Trader project (OST)?? Please: upload your files! Once we gather some data, we'll do our best to ...
jordan.baucke's user avatar
17 votes
2 answers

Why is the ratio of Hi-Low range to Open-Close range close to 2?

I tried it in several symbols and timeframes with the same result: $$\frac {mean(HIGH-LOW)}{mean(|CLOSE-OPEN|)}$$ ...
jla's user avatar
  • 273
17 votes
4 answers

How to generate synthetic FX data for backtesting?

I want to generate synthetic forex data for the purpose of backtesting my trading algorithms. I have some rough ideas in mind on how to do this: Start with a curve representing a trend, then randomly ...
JeremyKun's user avatar
  • 271
16 votes
9 answers

Data source for historical Share Outstanding totals for individual stocks?

Data is normally adjusted for splits/reverse splits, etc. The current shares outstanding is usually available. Is there a data repository that captures the shares outstanding for any point in the ...
Rage With The Machine's user avatar
16 votes
4 answers

Analyzing tick data

What are some of the commonly used techniques to analyze tick data? I am looking at tick data to see how the quotes/ mid-price evolves due to certain events in the market. Since tick data is ...
silencer's user avatar
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16 votes
3 answers

Free market data (delayed or snapshot)

I know there are similar questions but I don't think there are any identical ones. Basically, I'm looking for one of these two things. Delayed market data feed. A tick by tick feed, but delayed by ...
Andrew Rasmussen's user avatar
15 votes
5 answers

Best way to store hourly/daily options data for research purposes

There are quite a few discussions here about storage, but I can't find quite what I'm looking for. I'm in need to design a database to store (mostly) option data (strikes, premiums bid / ask, etc.). ...
sashkello's user avatar
  • 989
15 votes
3 answers

Why the difference between SPY and ^GSPC?

Look at SPY vs ^GSPC -- the difference seems bigger than can be explained by the ETF fees. Is it only because of SPY re-invests dividends quarterly or something else? Since ...
yong's user avatar
  • 305
15 votes
3 answers

Effective Euro-USD (EURUSD) Exchange Rate Prior to Euro's Existence

Motivation: I am running a quantitative analysis that requires long-term, exchange rate data. Problem: Does anyone have methods for dealing with the EURUSD exchange rate prior to the Euro's existence?...
agathocles's user avatar
14 votes
3 answers

Literature on generating synthetic time series for testing

I have some market data (daily time series) for bond prices and CDS indices and I would like to generate synthetic versions of these which are statistically "similar" for testing trading strategies. ...
mathman's user avatar
  • 241
14 votes
1 answer

Volume or Dollar bars vs. volatility normalized and demeaned financial time series

In his book - Advances in Financial Machine Learning, Marcos Lopez de Prado familiarises the reader with a number of ways of normalizing our financial time series data. Below I provide a couple of ...
Newskooler's user avatar
14 votes
6 answers

Earnings and valuation data sources online

Are there any free/cheap sources for historical data on company earnings and valuations? I can get historical price data from Google and Yahoo, and it looks like I can get about five years of ...
Zach's user avatar
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13 votes
6 answers

Are public historical time series available for ratings of sovereign debt?

The nice list of free online data sources What data sources are available online? does not mention any data from ratings agencies. Are historical time series available for sovereign credit ratings (...
András Salamon's user avatar
13 votes
2 answers

Is Yahoo! Finance data good or bad now?

I have read various blog posts and reddit threads and so on talking about the recent changes to the Yahoo! Finance API and it leaves me very confused. I'm confused about what has changed. Supposedly ...
cgmil's user avatar
  • 233
13 votes
1 answer

Where can I find data on the interbank lending market?

Where can I find disaggregated interbank lending data (i.e. bank A lends to bank B x money at y rate)? I could only find data on interest rates. I would accept LIBOR market data as well as any ...
Max Li's user avatar
  • 572
13 votes
1 answer

What time are Bloomberg Open Symbology Files updated daily?

Does anyone know what time the Bloomberg Open Symbology precanned files are updated every day? I am planning on upating my view of them at 9 AM EST every morning. Furthermore, will the files for ...
Steve Severance's user avatar
13 votes
2 answers

Why use a column database for tick/bar data?

I often hear that column-oriented databases are the best choice method for storing time series data in finance applications. Especially by people selling expensive column-oriented databases. Yet, at ...
Darren Cook's user avatar
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12 votes
4 answers

Seeking Historical Non-Finance Datapoints for Backtesting

I'm working on some financial analysis code which I'd like to test against a historical dataseries to analyze the correlations to my algorithm to some non-finance related data. Ideally, I'd like to ...
Dave's user avatar
  • 221
12 votes
7 answers

Which data sources are available for cryptocurrencies?

I am primarily looking for price and market cap histories for cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, Ethereum, zcash, ... What are some good data sources and APIs where I can download history as well as get ...
snth's user avatar
  • 486
12 votes
1 answer

What's the most efficient way to store options and time series data for backtesting?

I would like to know what database would you guys use for storing around 500GB-1TB of options and time series tick data. The idea is to use it for backtesting so it would have to be as efficient as ...
edd's user avatar
  • 223
12 votes
7 answers

When hiring a quant, how can I protect my IP?

I am a one-man operation, and would like to hire a quant for around 4 weeks or work. I am worried that the person I hire might copy my data or the indicators that I have him work on. What have ...
Paul's user avatar
  • 123
12 votes
2 answers

Why don't data sources use ISIN instead of symbol?

I've been messing around with stock data off and on for a year or two and just recently found out about the ISIN. Up until I found some data from Siblis Research, none of the other data sources used ...
bstovall's user avatar
  • 121
12 votes
3 answers

Why isn't all market data free?

I am hoping any answers can be threaded somewhere between "don't be naive" and starting a quasi-political flame. Transparency is suppose to be good for markets and also a social good. The market ...
Rage With The Machine's user avatar
12 votes
7 answers

How to download all 10-K reports for all companies listed on S&P 500?

I am doing a regression analysis of all companies listed on s&p 500. It requires their 10-k reports. Where can I download all of them once?
JungleDiff's user avatar
12 votes
6 answers

Where to get historical intraday stock data?

I hate to ask questions that have been asked before. But I am afraid that this is one of them. I have searched the web for days now, read so many forum posts. But I can't find an answer. Most answers ...
No Body's user avatar
  • 121
12 votes
1 answer

Is there a standard / methodology to determine and grade the quality of OHLC data?

Inputs are most important to any decision making. For strategy backtesting, the OHLC data is one of the most inputs. So to ensure the correctness and integrity of OHLC data, we have checks on the ...
Michael Teo's user avatar
11 votes
3 answers

Red Black Trees for Limit Order Book

Why do people suggest using red black trees/balanced binary trees for the levels in a limit order book? Why are they algorithmically ideal?
Trajan's user avatar
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11 votes
4 answers

Real-time & Fast S&P 500 E-Mini Futures (ES) Data

I trade on local exchanges in Europe, but my HFT strategies need S&P 500 e-mini futures data (ES). I don't need to trade ES, but I need real-time data and I want to have it as fast as possible. I'...
Oleg Vazhnev's user avatar
11 votes
2 answers

Is there a technique for using xts or zoo objects with options data (i.e., many entries per date) in R?

I am starting to work with options data from optionmetrics. I use data frames, but it seems like xts or zoo objects are the way to go for features and speed. I can't figure out the best work-around to ...
Richard Herron's user avatar
11 votes
2 answers

How to "uncluster" a set of financial data?

I am attempting to evaluate and compare the profit factor of different "test runs" of a FOREX trading strategy. My problem is that, despite an average time between orders of 2hr+, some of these runs ...
Mike Furlender's user avatar
11 votes
1 answer

A generic limit order book: What are the most important queries it should be able to answer?

Assume a class LimitOrderBook which represents a limit order book in a trading system. To be able to represent the limit order book a data handler reads a feed ...
knorv's user avatar
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10 votes
3 answers

Algorithm to detect the aggressor side of a trade

Most of the exchanges provide aggressor side property of trades (e.g. Tag=5797 AggressorSide on CME) in their raw data. But many data providers do not provide this information via their datafeed API's....
Serg's user avatar
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