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2 answers

How to derive Black's formula for the valuation of an option on a future?

I've got a question about 1976 Black Model and Bachelier model. I know that a geometric brownian motion in the P measure $dS_{t}=\mu S_{t}dt+\sigma S_{t} dW_{t}^{P}$ for a stock price $S_{t}$ leads (...
Marco's user avatar
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Why are some metals in contango (inverted) forward curve and some in backwardation (normal) forward curve?

I am scrolling through the various metals on and some are in contango and some in backwardation. For example: Copper: backwardation Aluminium: contango Further examination of other metals ...
s5s's user avatar
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Pricing forward contract on a stock

Please tell me where I've gone wrong (if I did in fact make a mistake). I'm pricing a long forward on a stock. The usual setup applies: This has payoff $S(T) - K$ at time $T$. We are at $t$ now. $S(...
Jase's user avatar
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FX Average Forward Pricing

Lookin for documentation on how to price FX Arithmetic Average Rate Forwards. Couldn't find any info on textbooks. Any help is very appreciated.
user38419's user avatar
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What is the filtration described?

What is the filtration $(\mathfrak{F}_t)$ encircled below? Is it $(\mathfrak{F}_t) = (\sigma(W_t)) = (\sigma(\tilde{W_t})), t \in [0,T]$? Or is it $(\mathfrak{F}_t) = (\sigma(\hat{W_t})), t \in [0,T]...
BCLC's user avatar
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FX Forward rate agreement valuation in quantlib

I am trying to value an FRA in quantlib Python using the below code: ...
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Pricing of forwards contracts

Of the courses I am taking in college this semester, two are Financial Mathematics and Derivatives. In each course, we learn different formulas to calculate the forward price of a forward contract. ...
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What happened to future price if rates become negative?

Imagine the spot price of a non deliverable and not paying dividend asset is 100\$. With positive rate, the theoretical formula $F = S \cdot e^{rT}$ give us a future price higher, let's say 105. If ...
TmSmth's user avatar
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Crypto perpetual futures (swaps) pricing away from instantaneous moment of funding

Most perpetual futures offered by crypto exchanges employ a funding payment mechanism, that acts to periodically return the price of the perpetual to the underlying index price. The mechanism is ...
quantotonto's user avatar
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Pricing of a tracker certificate on basket of index futures

i'm new to Quant Stack Exchange but i already saw that the quality of the answers is outstanding, however, i have a question for which i haven't found an answer yet: I'm looking for a pricing model/ ...
T123's user avatar
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Can arbitrage arguments be rearranged to avoid selling? (Hull, Chapter 5)

Suppose forward contracts are traded on a consumption asset, so there aren't necessarily people ready and willing to sell the asset to jump on an arbitrage opportunity. Suppose the asset has no yield, ...
Barry's user avatar
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Why is the forward price set to make the value of the forward contract to 0 when it is signed? [closed]

When I study the forward contract, I read that the forward price must be the price that makes the the value of the contract zero. I searched for the answer, but there are many versions. Some say it ...
Edward Wang's user avatar
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Differential equation involving bond price and forward rate

Given forward rate f(t,T) and bond price P(t,T) where $f(t,T) = - \frac{\partial}{\partial T} \ln P(t,T)$, $P(T,T) = 1 = P(t,t)$, T>0 and $t \in [0,T]$ Does it follow that $P(t,T) = exp(-\int_{t}^...
BCLC's user avatar
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Confusion in forward contract pricing on a stock using the binomial model

In the financial engineering course I am taking we are studying how to use the binomial model to price derivatives, one of which is the forward. For this question it is related to a forward contract ...
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Finding circumstances for price of call = price of put

Here is a problem in Hull's book and the given solution: My approach was to compute the profit $\pi = \pi_{SP} + \pi_{LC}$ (short put, long call). One can show that $\pi = \pi_{SP} + \pi_{LC} = S_T -...
BCLC's user avatar
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Why would one need forward prices to perform derivatives pricing?

I am trying to understand the purpose of inputs the software of my company is using. Amongst others it needs calibration instruments, a model type, initial values of the respective underylings and a ...
algebruh's user avatar
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Delta of a forwards contract

in university's lecture notes, from what I understand using the replication of portfolio principle to price derivates, the forward price of a contract K should be: $K = P_0(1+r)$ where $P_0$ is the ...
user52091's user avatar