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Questions tagged [interest-rate-swap]

An interest rate swap is a financial derivative where two parties exchange interest payments on a specified notional principal over a set period. One party pays a fixed rate, while the other pays a floating rate tied to a reference rate (e.g., LIBOR). These swaps help manage interest rate risk, hedge against rate fluctuations, and enable speculation on future rate changes.

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2 answers

Buying a delta hedged payer swaption

If I/Client buy a European payer swaption, I understand that I gives me the right to pay the fixed rate at the strike level at maturity and receive a floating rate with an IRS- I expect interest rates ...
anon123SA12's user avatar
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How do I calculate implied convexity from futures vs swaps?

From STIR Futures - Trading Euribor and Eurodollar futures by Stephen Aikin, convexity is determined by comparing the zero rate on a swap with an equivalent set of futures. For example, using futures,...
User27's user avatar
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Brazil IR swaps and help with new holiday

Brazil has a pending new holiday that is expected to be official in the next month, for date Nov 20. Existing BRL interest rate swaps contracts have a clause that fixed accruals are not impacted by ...
BigWR's user avatar
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Bloomberg Interest Rates Swaps Curve Fitting in the presence of Serial FRA

The documentation points to a different approach than the standard linear in log discount factors. The EURIBOR 6M curve 45 is the prime example. Does anyone understand the implementation details of ...
roi0113's user avatar
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US swap spreads

Traditionally US swap spreads were traded as LIBOR or OIS swaps versus USTs. In the former case the spread at the short end of the curve was very much a function of LIBOR repo spreads. Further, LIBOR ...
user68819's user avatar
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Calculating key dates for a Forward Starting Interest Rate Swap versus a Spot IRS

How are the Effective Dates and Maturity Dates of a forward starting IRS (eg: EURIBOR3M 5Y5Y) handled when the forward starting term ends on a non-business day? And if that date is adjusted, how does ...
Simon Wiltshire's user avatar
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QuantLib: Latin American FixedFloat Swap pricing with multiple payment frequency specification

With reference to the post of latin american swap, I am valuing the FixedFloat CLP swap.The specifications of this swaps has payment frequency upto 18 months as Zero coupon(1T) and after that ...
John83's user avatar
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QuantLib: Pricing BRL zero coupon swap using relevant attributes in Quantlib

I am trying to price the BRL zero coupon swap. As we know that ZC swaps fixed payer pays a single payment at maturity and the float payer pays the interim payments till maturity. So in this case, ...
John83's user avatar
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Pricing of OIS on USD at t=0

I am tormented concerning the pricing of an OIS (USD). My concern is how do we find the rate of the fixed leg using Federal Funds rates, at t=0 since these are not known at that time. Thank you
EconFox's user avatar
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Find the right module for CDI DI BRL swaps valuation Quantlib

I'm trying to find a way to price BRL CDI Swaps with Quantlib but I can't find any solutions so far - so I was wondering if anyone encountered this issue: I don't see any solution on Quantlib. I ...
Gloomy's user avatar
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Determining the floating rate for an interest rate swap

I'm trying to price an Euribor 6M Swap and comparing this to Bloomberg's swap manager. However, I'm having some doubts on my implementation of getting the reset rate for the floating leg. In Bloomberg ...
aghilario's user avatar
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Total return time series for an interest rate swap

Without paying for a bespoke dataset or tool, how can I go about creating a total return time series for irs eg for 10y sofr swap such that it includes spot price move + carry/roll? I’m doing this so ...
soroso's user avatar
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Constructing the FedFunds Yield Curve with jumps at FOMC meetings

When constructing the FedFunds yield curve I want to define the curve based on two separate interpolation schemes. The first on the short end being LogLinear on the discount factors between FOMC ...
ml4irs's user avatar
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Pricing of a non-standard swap contract

Here I have a swap product, where a fixed and floating interest rate will be applied on notional amount. Fixed and floating legs involves 2 currencies, one of them is delivery currency (e.g. USD) and ...
Bogaso's user avatar
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Deriving central bank hikes/cuts from a swap curve

Can you please explain the following? Please assume I am 5 years old. how do you derive the cuts/hikes of the policy rate priced in a swap curve? why you can derive the cuts/hikes only from a swap ...
Finance_student's user avatar
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Bounds for Par vs Zero DV01

Let’s say I have a swap portfolio and a vector of Par sensitivities (DV01‘s) for N nodes of a curve. Let’s call the vector P = (P_1,…,P_N). To derive the sensitivities w.r.t zero rates, we could of ...
SI7's user avatar
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Swap IRS - SOFR lookback

I have a fixed-float swap valuation to realize. The floating leg is referenced to SOFR with a 10 days lookback. The first coupon has already started, on 01/09/2023, and ends on 01/12/2023. The first ...
Nc27's user avatar
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Can PCA be used to transform a ladder of interest rate risk?

The context For traders/market makers on interest rate swaps desks, it is essential to have a model that transforms risk from its most complex representation (i.e. a ladder of every tenor) into a less ...
quanty's user avatar
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swap carry/rolldown mid-period

Pretty much all discussions and examples I have seen discussing carry and roll down for fix-flt interest rate swaps are ones where the forward date coincides with the coupon dates on both legs. It ...
Magnyz's user avatar
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Convexity Adjustment for Average Rate IRS

Suppose that one want to price an Interest Rate Swap with daily averaging, i.e. the floating leg looks like $$Floating~Leg = \sum\limits_{i=1}^N P(T_i)\cdot\frac{\sum_{k=1}^m F(t_k, t_k+\delta)}{m}, ~...
Hasek's user avatar
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Carry for an Interest Rate Swap

I don't get why for calculating the carry of a spot starting swap I need to adjust the difference between the fixed rate and fixing by the Dv01? For example if I receive in a 5y swap and want to ...
Finance_student's user avatar
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Should I use the yield curve or swap curve to find the value of my swap? [closed]

The PiVe Capital Swap Spread Trades' case study (in Fixed Income Securities from Pietro Veronesi) suggested that in pricing a swap, using a swap curve appears to be the most reasonable methodology. ...
Jay's user avatar
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Relation (approximate??) between Swap rate and Cap strike

I just have come across some relation between Interest rate swap and strike of Cap as below $K_{Cap Strike} = \frac{1}{1 + r \...
Brian Smith's user avatar
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Duration of interest rate swap - seek explanation from a previous post

I have come across a Q&A about the calculation of the duration of an interest rate swap on this site. In the Q&A, the derivative is calculated as: $\frac{\partial PV}{\partial r}=t_nD(t_n)+q\...
augustine's user avatar
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Par par asset swap counterparties in practice

In practice is it possible to enter into a par par asset swap where the bond is purchased from counterparty A and the swap element is conducted with counterparty B?
Workinghardtohardlywork's user avatar
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What is the scope of spot lags and spot dates?

In the context of interest rate derivatives, we often speak of the spot date. But of course, there is not a "the" spot date, because there are multiple spot dates, for example for different ...
Tom Anderson's user avatar
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Calculating the volatility of an interest rate swap

At its most basic the volatility of an instrument is the standard deviation of its return series over time calculated as percentage change of the price series. How would this work for interest rate ...
s5s's user avatar
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Higher coupon on interest rate swap has higher DV01

Why the higher the fixed rate of a swap is, the higher the DV01 will be?
Mini PP's user avatar
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Replicating QuantLib plain vanilla Interest Rate Swap valuation

I'm learning QuantLib-Python and trying to replicate an Interest Rate Swap valuation on a custom curve constructed by passing lists of dates and discounting factors. Please see my code below ...
Hasek's user avatar
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PTP 10% Withholding [closed]

Apparently there's a new IRS rule that can be summarized as "starting January 1st, 2023, investors who are not U.S. taxpayers must withhold 10% of proceeds from the sale of PTPs (Publicly Traded ...
Gabi's user avatar
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Quantlib Slow valuation of ois_swap on multiple eval days

I have bootstrapped a curve using several depo and swap rates and am trying to use that curve to get the NPV of a swap over a period of time. The generation of prices iteratively through time is ...
StormsEdge's user avatar
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MtM of interest rate swap if forward rates are realised

It might be a very simple question but for some reason I’m a bit confused. Let’s say we enter a long SOFR vs fix interest swap at par. Say 5 year swap with annual coupons (the rfr is daily compounded ...
Jamesr's user avatar
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IRS Payer/Receiver swap dv01

I was just wondering whether it was possible for long payer swaps to have a negative dv01 and vice versa for a short payer to have a positive dv01? Intuitively by definition of payers and receivers I ...
redmonkey's user avatar
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Quantlib: how to construct CDOR volatility cube? Getting error when using SwapRateHelper

Arron Tran's user avatar
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Total Return Swap (TRS) on Convertible Bond

Is there any relevant paper/source I can look at for pricing TRS on convertible bond? Specially, how should I evaluate the asset return leg? Let's say I already have an convertible bond pricer that ...
Fail Analysis's user avatar
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How to read the notation used for the swap rates in the form 4.412/452 for the 1 year swap rate?

How to read the notation used for the swap rates in Table 20.6 below? What does 2.412/452 means?
Alex's user avatar
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Improving Fixed-Fixed Cross-Currency Swap Pricing in Python with Limited Data and Quantlib

I am working on creating a fixed-fixed cross-currency swap pricer in Python for EUR-USD and GBP-USD pairs. Here's my current approach: Bootstrap a GBP SONIA curve. Bootstrap a SOFR curve. Obtain the ...
AB123's user avatar
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Most relevant papers on IR / discount rate(s) modelling in the last 5 years

As the question states, what are some relevant recent papers I, as a non-expert, should read on IR modelling, products, and mechanics (that do not involve AI/ML)? I think my knowledge on this topic ...
Frido's user avatar
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how is accrual calculated on the floating leg of a OIS swap

for Libor swaps, the accrual for the floating leg is easy as the cashflow is known already at accrual start day. The calculation would be similar to how the accrual of a bond is calculated. How about ...
Peaceful's user avatar
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Understanding how markets predict BoC's policy interest rate decisions

I read in the newspaper things like, Interest rate swaps, which are based on market expectations about future rate decisions, are pricing in at least one Bank of Canada rate cut later this year, and ...
ixodid's user avatar
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Quantlib: Problem with discount curve with different settlement days than the swap curve

When pricing a interest rate swap, I use the swap curve to price the instrument and the corresponding OIS curve to discount it. However, for some countries (eg Canada), the IRS curve settles on the ...
henriqueab's user avatar
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P&L explain for swap?

I try to make a P&L explanation of a swap from the delta, gamma, to the N instruments of the rate curve (money market, futures and swap). I use a perturbative shock of 1bp for each instrument of ...
SIMO's user avatar
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forward starting interest rate swap trade settlement date

Say today is 13rd Dec 2022, For a spot staring swap, its settlement date would be 15th Dec 2022 assuming the settlment offset is 2 days. What is the settlement date for a one year forward starting ...
Peaceful's user avatar
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Simplified formula for duration of interest rate swap

Lets consider the simple interest rate swap instrument as 5-year maturity interest rate swap. I found an interesting simplification to calculate the duration of such swap as, $\frac{\left(1 - e^{-r_t *...
Brian19931's user avatar
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How to quickly calculate PV01? Or quickly calculate notional back given PV01 and duration?

is there a way to quickly calculate the PV01 of for example for a swap EUR fix floating 10 years? And is it possible to calculate the Notional, with a given PV01 and the years of the trades or ...
Mostdoisneverdone's user avatar
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How OIS swap rates behave when we receive or pay OIS swap rates?

I am reading a news article regarding how OIS swap rates behave when we receive or pay OIS swap rates. The article states that when we receive OIS swap rates it makes swap rates fall. When we pay swap ...
user2967440's user avatar
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Confusion about Initial Pricing IRS with Dual Curves

This is my first time delving into dual curves, or multiple yield curves. A question struck me about using OIS discounting when choosing the swap rate of a new IRS. Without multiple yield curves I ...
Sinbad The Sailor's user avatar
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Par rate of Interest Rate Swap

I'm interested in deriving the par rate of an interest rate swap priced under the single curve framework. Let's follow the corresponding Wikipedia article for the sake of notation simplicity. The ...
Hasek's user avatar
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Use of interest rate swaps in liability-driven investing

You probably have home across recent events in the UK bond markets. The Financial Times article "The reason the BoE is buying long gilts: an LDI blow-up" from Sep. 28, 2022 goes through why ...
AK88's user avatar
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Optimize interest rate swap calculations in Monte Carlo Simulation

I’m running a simulation in which I want to calculate the NPV of 100 swaps over 1000 (or even much more) different interest rate curves. It looks like Quantlib is not really fast in performing these ...
Oamriotn's user avatar
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