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Questions tagged [libor]

LIBOR was the London Inter-Bank Offered Rate. It has been replaced by The SOFR (Secured Overnight Financing Rate).

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3 answers

Can you model the LIBOR rate as a geometric Brownian motion?

i.e. The LIBOR rate is driven in the same way as a stock price in the Black Scholes model. For example let $R_t$ denote the LIBOR rate at time t. the stochastic differential equation (sde) would take ...
Jesus's user avatar
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10 votes
3 answers

Why is there a convexity adjustment if the payment date differs from Libor end date?

A 3 month LIBOR that fixing at $T$, paying in 3 months does not have a convexity adjustment. However, 3 month LIBOR fixing at $T$, paying in 6 months needs a convexity adjustment. How is this shown ...
user18092319239's user avatar
3 votes
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Arbitrage on Libor and swap market

I must be wrong here, but still want to know where I am wrong. I found the data of Libor rate and swap rate from this link: At the time, I read ...
kenneth's user avatar
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Libor Market Model Implementation

I'm trying to implement an LMM-MultiCurve for caplet pricing following the analytical formula mentioned in this article (pg 20):
Yassine Q.'s user avatar
-1 votes
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Swap Curve and Forward Libor Rates

How does the (interest rate) swap curve incorporate forward libor expectations?
Trajan's user avatar
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Why is LIBOR rate smoother than the US treasury rate?

Compare the daily rate graphs of LIBOR and US Treasury bill, the former is a lot smoother than the latter. Is there any reason for this?
Hans's user avatar
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Dual Curve Bootstrapping - When to OIS discount?

I am a new quant and I am trying to understand some of the specifics of dual curve bootstrapping. For concreteness, suppose I want to build a Libor forward curve. From what I understand OIS ...
moquant's user avatar
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Any Suggestion for Credit Risk Measure for Banking Industry in Turkey?

I need a measure that will proxy for overall credit risk in the banking industry of Turkey. The literature offers LIBOR-OIS spread and Moody's Baa-Aaa spread as strong candidates. However, these ...
Onur Tekel's user avatar
3 votes
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Why is Overnight LIBOR lower than BoE Base Rate?

According to this site, the current overnight GBP LIBOR is 0.45638%, and the Bank of England base rate is 0.5%. My understanding is that the overnight LIBOR should always be higher than the base rate,...
Samuel B's user avatar
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Dynamics of LIBOR foward rate under T-forward measure

Assume that under the physical measure $\mathbb{P}$ we have for the LIBOR forward rate $L(t):=L(t;S,T) = \frac{1}{T-S}\left(\frac{P(t,S)}{P(t,T)}-1\right)$ that $$ \mathrm{d}L(t) = L(t)\left(\mu(t)\...
lbf_1994's user avatar
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Libor Swap Rates

In a 5 year Libor Swap, say fixed vs. 3 months Libor, what is the credit risk reflected by the fixed leg ? (I'm ignoring counterparty credit risk). Would the fixed leg reflect 3 month Libor quoting ...
Beltrame's user avatar
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Total Return Swaps and Borrow Cost Relationship

If an investor is long a Total Return Swap (TRS), they get the total return (ie, including dividend) performance and usually pay LIBOR minus a spread. This spread should trade ...
Trajan's user avatar
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Properly interpreting LIBOR curves?

I have a confusion regarding LIBOR curves. I understand what LIBOR means, but what exactly is meant by a LIBOR curve? I would imagine a curve where on the x-axis is time and y-axis the 6-month LIBOR ...
user39039's user avatar
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What's the most direct hedge on rising 12-month LIBOR rate for retail investors?

What is the most direct mechanism available to retail investors to profit from (i.e. hedge against) a future increase in the 12-month LIBOR rate? e.g. The 12-month LIBOR rate is 2.29% as of 2/1/2018. ...
Alex R's user avatar
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Normal Libor Market Model

Is anybody using normal Libor Market Model (LMM) (as opposed to shifted lognormal LMM)? It could be one of the approaches to dealing with negative rates. If you do, have you encountered any ...
ir7's user avatar
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How do I value uncollaterised swaps?

Do I need to discount using the OIS curve? Then add some sort of FVA adjustment over and above the CVA/DVA? How do I work out a banks cost of funding? Any help would be greatly appreciated. ...
Dana's user avatar
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Convexity adjustment when payment if after interest natural term?

I've been working with a convexity adjustment for an interest rate payoff and the next question came to me: The usual problem that gives rise to the convexity adjustment I'm referring to is as ...
Aldo Shumway's user avatar
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Change of measure between T-forward and T*-forward contract?

I am trying to prove the need of a convexity adjustment to a forward rate by calculating the next expectation: \begin{align*} P(t_0, T_s)E^{T_s}\big(L(T_s, T_s, T_e) \mid \mathcal{F}_{t_0}\big). \end{...
Aldo Shumway's user avatar
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volatility term structure calibration

As is well known in order to calibrate an interest rate model (i.e. hull-white, LMM) i need to use the current market yield curve and volatility. But in the case I want to calibrate the model in a ...
Mitor's user avatar
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Floating leg of a standard swap still has a value at par when we use the OIS as discount factor?

Does a bond paying floating coupon LIBOR, still has the value at par when we use the OIS as discount factor? It seems only when ...
A.Oreo's user avatar
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Discount curve and payment frequency

In case of uncollateralised trades, where we use LIBOR rates for discounting, does the LIBOR tenor have to match with the payment frequency? For example, one of the swap leg pays USD floating amount ...
ssc5338's user avatar
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Collateralized Interest Rate Swap

I am struggeling with the wording "Collateralized" IRS and try to get an understanding out of it based on an example. Especially what it means that in the multi curve models the expectations are ...
JonDoe's user avatar
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What does it mean to pay USD FRA-OIS?

Would just like to check my understanding. If I were to pay USD FRA-OIS, does it mean I'm paying the OIS leg and receiving fixed? And the fixed is because the 3mL is fixed at the start of the period/...
Always_Student's user avatar
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How are LIBOR rates beyond 12M arrived at? [closed]

I understand LIBOR rates quoted on a daily basis upto 12 M tenors. But how are rates beyond 12M tenor estimated. I got this question from an interviewer.
Praveen's user avatar
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Is LIBOR a spot rate?

Can we use USD LIBOR as spot rates for discounting? If we have overnight LIBOR and say 1 month LIBOR how to compute 16 day LIBOR? Can we do interpolation?
onkar's user avatar
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Define the settlement date of Libor. Where to get them

I am having problems understanding what day is the settlement date for a libor rate, and how to find it for a given rate, e.g., Overnight, 1-Week, etc?
Ivan's user avatar
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Questions about Markit rates curve bootstrapping

I am reading the following two Markit documents concerning the bootstrapping of respectively the USD rates curve and the EUR, GBP, JPY, CHF, CAD, HKD, SGD, AUD and NZD rates curves. (Both versions are ...
Olórin's user avatar
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Why change numeraire for the LIBOR Market Model

There are two form of LIBOR Market Model that has a drift introduced. I would like to know in plain english explanation why do practitioners use these changes of measure. Are there any significance to ...
Schwin 's user avatar
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A libor curve VS A 3-month or 6-month libor curve

I'm very confused about the terms regarding libor curves in general. When people talk about libor curve, I picture it as a curve with different libor maturities (i.e. 1 week, 1 month, 3-month and 6-...
tg36's user avatar
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Does this trade have a name?

Ok so I got this idea, it's very simple so I know I'm not the only one who has thought about it. It is a pairs trade between long and short term treasury swaps, and goes as follows: Going by ...
FX_NINJA's user avatar
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What does LIBOR really represent?

LIBOR - rate at which banks in LONDON would lend to each other. Is there a similar index for banks in New York (or any other major financial city) would lend to each other? For example, what is the ...
user26718's user avatar
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One week LIBOR?

Are there any commonly traded instruments that would allow one to bootstrap a one week LIBOR curve? If not, is there some alternate way to value forward starting swaps with a short first period that ...
Math's user avatar
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6 month curve from 3 month forward rate agreements

Is it possible to bootstrap at least an approximate 6 month LIBOR curve (actually NIBOR, for Norway, in my case) if rates for 3 month FRAs are known? For example, say we know the rates for 1x4, 7x10, ...
Math's user avatar
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Relation between Libor market model and Black76 with time-dependent vola

The Black76 model uses a lognormal process to model the forward rate $L_1(t)$ from $T_1$ to $T_2$ at time $t$, $$dL_1(t) \ = \ \mu(t) L_1(t) dt + \sigma(t) L_1(t) dW_t$$ By switching to the $T_2$-...
davidhigh's user avatar
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How to calculate fair 3s1s basis levels

How would one calculate the fair level of 3s1s single currency basis swaps using simply the 1m & 3m libors and ois levels? (so you have fra-ois spread levels in both) I understand that as the FRA-...
Sam4343's user avatar
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What is time 0 price of Libor starting t for the period $t$ to $t+\delta t$

I was asked this in an interview. The correct answer, I was told, follow from this argument Let $L_0[0,t]$ denote the time 0 price of Libor for period $0$ to $t$. Let $L_0[t,t+\delta_t]$ denote the ...
Lost1's user avatar
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Calculating Implied Forward Rates from Eurodollar Futures Quotes

I'm trying to calculate the implied forward rates of the Eurodollar (USD) curve, knowing that the Eurodollar curve is supposed to be a mirror of the yield curve (else arb). I have this formula for ...
Jared's user avatar
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Risk-free: why LIBOR pre-crisis and OIS now

Quick question as a follow-up to this post: why was LIBOR used instead of OIS pre-2007 for the risk-free rate proxy? Please correct me if I am getting this mixed up, but from what I've seen, it ...
jake_r's user avatar
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LMM & multiple curves

I was reading through a paper that attempted to present a theoretical explanation for the divergence in value of different LIBOR tenors (and thus for the use of different curves for different tenors). ...
jake_r's user avatar
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Constructing Swap Curve from LIBOR

Say I'm considering a long maturity fixed rate swap, for instance 20 years paid semi annually. Now I want to find the fixed rate for this hypothetical swap. I understand that this fixed rate is going ...
beeba's user avatar
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Does LIBOR in USD reflect short term interest rates in the U.S.?

The London Interbank Offered Rate (LIBOR) is an indicative average interest rate at which a selection of banks (the panel banks) are prepared to lend one another unsecured funds on the London money ...
damson_jam's user avatar
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Exploding Libor Rates in Libor Market Model

I have implemented the Libor Market Model in Matlab. When I generate a number of paths, I notice that some of them explode. Does anybody have an idea what could cause this? I already tried solving ...
Tinkerbell's user avatar
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LIBOR Quoting Conventions

I have been trying to build a NSS parameterization of LIBOR term structure, and have confused myself over how all the dates are dealt with. On
John Smith's user avatar
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LIBOR rates from Vasicek/Hull-White model?

I am somehow puzzled by the following problem: LIBOR rates are forward rates for an interbank loan for 1M or 3M (let's limit the range of possibilities to these two cases). Assuming that I have ...
Bard's user avatar
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LIBOR 3M and 1M from Vasicek model

I would like to discuss my approach toward modelling of interest rates with respect to its downsides and advantages. My problem is to forecast daily LIBOR 3M and LIBOR 1M over a particular time ...
Bard's user avatar
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AUD Swap Reference Rate?

So I understand that BBSW is the reference rate used in AUD swap transactions since AUD LIBOR has been discontinued. If I want to build a curve out of the reference rates used to price AUD swaps, I ...
beeba's user avatar
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Show that being Long a caplet & short floorlet (both with strike price K) is equivalent to a FRA where you pay the fixed rate K

How do you show that being long a caplet and short a floorlet (both with strike K) is equivalent to a Forward Rate Agreement where you pay the fixed rate K?
K Smith's user avatar
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Seeming arbitrage in excess reserves

In the US banks are required to store 10% of their deposits in cash in the form of Fed Funds. Due to misbalance of demand and supply, some banks borrow such cash from others; the volume averaged ...
SBF's user avatar
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Libor OIS basis swap equation

I'm a little embarrassed about this because I have a PhD in math, but I'm having a little trouble working out how to bootstrap an OIS curve from libor rates and basis swap rates. If I had an equation ...
Math's user avatar
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Test Log-Normality for LIBOR forward rates under the Libor Market Model

As far as I understand, under the Libor Market Model the forward rates are assumed to have a log-normal distribution. Given that I have constructed my LMM model and now have a matrix of: k different ...
William Hedén's user avatar