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alexprice's user avatar
alexprice's user avatar
  • Member for 8 years, 11 months
  • Last seen more than 1 year ago
  • London, United Kingdom
5 votes

Why is it useless to model stochastic volatility when pricing Vanilla style derivatives?

5 votes

how to I get the statistical significance of a backtested result

4 votes

Is there any way to check my delta hedging is implemented correctly?

4 votes

How to do simultaneous dual curve bootstrapping?

4 votes

How to calibrate models with unbounded parameter space

3 votes

Why are my Neural Network predictions “correct”, but offset from true value? Not using any past lagged values

3 votes

What is the point of volatility curve fitting?

3 votes

Find a formula for the price of a derivative paying $\max(S_T(S_T-K),0)$

3 votes

Black Scholes in Practice: Delta Hedging

3 votes

Proof that adding some quantity of stocks in a portfolio of option does not change the portfolio Gamma

3 votes

Risk Neutral Pricing and the Drift

2 votes

LIBOR Curve bootstrapping and compounding

2 votes

Factor selection for predicting fund returns

2 votes

Why Drifts are not in the Black Scholes Formula

2 votes

Please explain Heston Model parameters meaning

2 votes

Why are the risk neutral probabilities constant in the Cox Rubinstein model when delta needs to be changed at each time step

2 votes

Should I sell my stock and buy future instead if the future price is smaller than the current stock price?

1 vote

What date to pick for regression on global stocks

1 vote

In your experience, when trying to predict something that occurs, do you model with a fixed time period?

1 vote

Autocall Calibration

1 vote

What is the difference between parametric and non-parametric models?

1 vote

return volatility calculation with respect to different time period

1 vote

Why can derivatives be viewed as a portfolio of the underlying and the riskless asset?

1 vote

pair trading - rolling adf test

1 vote

Lower MSE results in less profit when using Machine Learning

0 votes

How to obtain one-step ahead forecast in Python based on GARCH?