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How to Take Advantage of Arbitrage Opportunity of Two Options

I got the following interview question and corresponding solution, but I have a different understand that might be wrong, so I really appreciate your advice on it: A European put option on a non-...
M00000001's user avatar
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OIS curve convexity adjustment

Since, as far as I understand, an Overnight Index Rate is set in arrears, i.e. it is published in the morning after the night to which the rate applies, then I would have thought that we should take ...
Confounded's user avatar
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convexity adjustment for pricing mark to market (mtm) cross currency swap

may I know where the convexity adjustment is from and in practice, how is it usually calculated? is it coming from the correlation between fx and rates ? am I right that non-mtm cross currency swap ...
Peaceful's user avatar
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Forward price vs. futures price - Wilmott

I am reading Paul Wilmott's book PWOQF2, and there is something I don't get in his derivation of the convexity adjustment between forward and futures prices (chap. 30). He models $S$ and $r$ ...
siou0107's user avatar
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Estimation of LIBOR 3M periods if the period is not exactly 3M months

When generating dates of interest rate swaps, even without stub periods, we sometimes end up with periods that are less than 3 months (say 87 day). In that case do we have to apply any kind of ...
benjbe's user avatar
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B-splines: convexity in IV/Price

I see that the justification of the need to use cubic B-splines when interpolating in the strike-IV space is to impose a convexity constraint to get rid of potential arbitrage. I could easily ...
DomingoBrown's user avatar
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Does convexity in the IV space means convexity in the price space?

Let's assume that we only look at OTM options to construct a Risk Neutral Density (RND). As the RND is the second derivative of the price of the option with respect to the strike, we would expect ...
guest93456789's user avatar
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Hedging convexity for long-dated fixed cashflows

I'm wondering what are the different ways of hedging the convexity in fixed long-dated cashflows (maturity > last liquid point). Also, if you'd say receiver swaptions would be the way to go, could you ...
blah_crusader's user avatar
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Price Alignment Interest(PAI) Convexity Effect

I've been looking at convexity adjustments in ED's for several years(more opportunities a few years ago then currently) and was wondering if my thinking on PAI impact on swaps convexity is correct. ...
TheRevoltingBlob's user avatar
3 votes
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Why are FRA/futures convexity adjustments necessary?

This would be my explanation for the reason that convexity adjustments must exist: Futures are margined daily, such that if a trader is paid a future and rates goes up then money is paid into their ...
quanty's user avatar
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Convexity Adjustment on sensitivity computation for Futures

Convexity adjustment is a correction term that helps in deriving futures price from forward price and vice versa. But, will this convexity adjustment come into play when we are trying to compute ...
Bhaskar Gudimetla's user avatar
5 votes
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MBS Market Duration & Convexity

Soft question...hopefully. I am working on a swaption hedging strategy. Part of this strategy calls for a forward looking indication of changes in implied volatility, using 1m10y implied as a proxy ...
Thomas Boyd's user avatar
10 votes
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Why is there a convexity adjustment if the payment date differs from Libor end date?

A 3 month LIBOR that fixing at $T$, paying in 3 months does not have a convexity adjustment. However, 3 month LIBOR fixing at $T$, paying in 6 months needs a convexity adjustment. How is this shown ...
user18092319239's user avatar
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Convexity adjustment--Assume sport and futures rates move together?

A cash flow argument I typically see for why a convexity adjustment is necessary is the following (taken loosely from Hull 9/e, p. 143): Say I am short an interest rate futures contract (e.g. ...
bcf's user avatar
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Why isn't a quanto adjustment needed in this case?

Suppose we have a contract with payoff $P_Y$ in currency $Y$, where $P_Y$ on a variable in currency $Y$. To calculate the value in $X$, we take the expected payout under $Y$-numeraire $E_Y(P_Y)$, ...
user90123801923809's user avatar
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Can two bonds have same yield and price but different convexity?

In the market, if there are two bonds that have the same yield and price, then the higher convexity bonds will be more attractive. However, this would mean the market would increase the price of the ...
cmoney's user avatar
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Curve steepner and convexity

Can someone please explain why a curve steepener trade has a negative convexity? And are the gains from the steepness of the curve offset by the negative convexity?
ababoua's user avatar
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20s30s curve convexity

Let’s assume I trade a 20s30s spread on the curve and i’m flat delta (-100k on 20Y swap, 100k on 30y swap dv01). If the market moves, i’m not flat delta anymore. Is there a simple way to estimate the ...
ababoua's user avatar
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Utility Maximization on a finite Probability Space. Possible mistakes in a paper?

I am currently reading this paper on utility maximization in a financial market model. On page 5 the author starts with the case of a finite probability space and on page 19 he considers the ...
vaoy's user avatar
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SPX Convexity Spread

In this report on volatility from BNP Paribas, it states on Page 10 that the SPX ...
Trajan's user avatar
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Bond Convexity and Maturity

What the reasoning for why bond convexity increases with maturity. Heuristic explanations are somewhat better as I would like a fundamental understanding. Also what causes a more convex bond to be ...
Trajan's user avatar
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Which volatility input for in-arrear convexity correction?

When pricing a Libor-in-arrear swap, I am using the following formula (for the cashflow covering the period $[T_{i-1}, T_i]$, ie. paid at $T_i$ and resetting at $T_i$): $V(t) = P(t,T_i)F(t;T_i,T_{i+1}...
TDC's user avatar
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High convexity vs low convexity bond definition

Isn't high convexity always better than low convexity bond from the formula that $$\frac {ΔB} B=-D \frac {Δy} {1+y} + \frac 1 2 CΔy^2$$ Since $\frac 1 2 CΔy^2$ is positive no matter what so the price ...
james black's user avatar
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Empirical duration and convexity for bonds using linear regression

I have a given time series of bond yields from Quandl. From the time series, I have taken a sample to simulate a path of bond yields by Monte Carlo in Python. I have to do the following task: "...
Alex's user avatar
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Convexity adjustment when payment if after interest natural term?

I've been working with a convexity adjustment for an interest rate payoff and the next question came to me: The usual problem that gives rise to the convexity adjustment I'm referring to is as ...
Aldo Shumway's user avatar
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How to calculate the product of forward rates with different reset times using Ito's lemma?

I am curious about a calculation I saw in this question. Specifically in this equation: \begin{align*} &\ L(T_s, T_p, T_e) L(T_s, T_s, T_e) \\ =&\ L(t_0, T_p, T_e) L(t_0, T_s, T_e) e^{-\...
Aldo Shumway's user avatar
4 votes
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The relation between coupon and convexity

Here are three statements: A lower coupon bond exhibits higher duration. The higher the coupon rate, the lower a bond’s convexity. Zero-coupon bonds have the highest convexity. Given particular ...
A.Oreo's user avatar
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Modified duration and convexity of a bond in R

A soft question: Are there any existing packages in R that allows one to compute the modified duration and convexity of bonds in R? If there isn't, how can one go about doing so (with formulas) with ...
Stoner's user avatar
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Derivation of convexity formula

Let's say that I have a bond that pays coupon on a semi-annual basis. Therefore, the price of this bond can be calculated using the following formula: $$ P = \sum_{i=1}^N \frac{CF_i}{(1 + YTM/2)^{...
AK88's user avatar
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Convexity for historical bond data

I'm trying to write a program to calculate the convexity of a bond. The bigger idea is, that if I have access to the actual price for each point in time, I should be able to calculate various features ...
aalberti333's user avatar
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Change of numeraire from bank account to Zcb [closed]

Why is there no drift adjustment when numeraire is changed from bank account (risk neutral measure) to zero coupon bond who matures at time of payoff (fwd risk neutral measure) ?
Randor's user avatar
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A very simple question about convexity of a bond

I was always under the impression that, ceteris paribus, higher the coupon rate, higher the convexity of the bond. But Investopedia says the following: "zero-coupon bonds have the highest degree ...
honeybadger's user avatar
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Active share portfolio constraint

I was reading a paper from Cremers and Petajisto, called How Active is Your Fund Manager? A New Measure That Predicts Performance In the original paper from 2009 they have the following measure ...
ThatQuantDude's user avatar
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convexity adjustment in YOY inflation swap , compared with TRS, and considering autocorrelation

a YOY inflation swaplet payoff is S2/S1 - 1 , where Si is the CPI at time i and a TRS (total return swaplet) asset leg payoff is also the same except the underlying is an asset. So it seems to me ...
Randor's user avatar
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CMS convexity adjustment in a range accrual Monte Carlo

I'm trying to price a CMS indexed range accrual using Monte Carlo simulations. Let's say i have n trajectories of ZC rates using G2++ model under risk neutral measure. My question is how do i take ...
ababoua's user avatar
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Hedging equities portfolios with vol products

Quote Hedging with variance is not comparable to puts Due to the lack of convexity of a variance swap hedge, we believe it is best to compare long variance hedges to hedging with futures rather than ...
Trajan's user avatar
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From continuous compounding to simple compounding - convexity adjustment

I have derived the convexity adjustment expression for futures rates using the Ho-Lee model, to arrive at the following: $$ ForwardRate = FuturesRate - \frac{1}{2}\sigma^2T_1T_2 $$ where $T_1$ refers ...
Alfie's user avatar
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Basis swap spread pricing and bootstrapping

Here is the expression of a basis floating versus floating swap where the first term is a forward CMS Swap leg and the second one is a forward BOR leg where X is the margin that would make equal both ...
Bond007's user avatar
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Bond Duration hedging with long convexity

How do you build a duration-neutral bond portfolio which is long convexity? can you give me an example?
ensabahnur's user avatar
14 votes
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What is the correct convexity adjustment for an Interest Rate Swap with unnatural reset lag?

I am looking at the valuation of an Interest Rate Swap (IRS thereafter) which is pretty much vanilla with one small tweak. Floating leg pays 3 months LIBOR in monthly intervals. To be precise: ...
jakub's user avatar
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Proof of the convexity adjustment formula

Let $y_0$ be the forward bond yield observed today for a forward contract with maturity $T$, $y_T$ be the bond yield at time $T$, $B_T$ be the price of the bond at time $T$ and let $\sigma_y$ be the ...
Trajan's user avatar
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Why does a barbell portfolio have higher convexity than a bullet porfolio

I cannot quite understood absolutely why a barbell portfolio has higher convexity than a bullet porfolio. I can easily understand how the parallel line represents duration but I cannot see what the ...
Trajan's user avatar
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Why Is Bond Time Value Risk Not Considered in Bond Immunization?

I know bond portfolio immunization includes duration and (if the hedging period is longer) convexity matching. These are equivalent to taking the first and second partial derivatives of the bond ...
Hans's user avatar
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Interest Rate Convexity - Fundamental Question

I have a very basic question around convexity adjustments in swap valuations. I am comfortable with the mathematical derivation of the convexity adjustment. My question relates to when and why a ...
Kotov's user avatar
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long fra and a short ed future with same fixing dates, is convexivity negative or positive?

If you are long a FRA (forward rate agreement) and short a ED (Eurodollars) future with the same fixing dates, do you have positive convexity or negative convexity? Why? According to the following ...
doru's user avatar
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Pricing function $P(S,t)$ is convex in $S$ for all $t$

I am now reading Alternative Characterization of American Put Options by Carr et all (available at There is a theorem called 'Main ...
Monica Sendi Afa's user avatar
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Convex risk measure and a coherent risk measure?

A coherent risk measure is: $\rho(\lambda X_1+(1-\lambda X_2))$ How can it be shown that everey convex risk measure is indeed a coherent risk measure? I assume that it is enough to show that a ...
Elekko's user avatar
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Duration vs. Convexity Contradiction

A lower coupon bond exhibits higher duration, which means higher price volatility with changing YTM. A lower coupon bond also exhibits higher convexity. However, with higher convexity, bond prices ...
Hugh's user avatar
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How to calculate $E^{T_N}(L(T_i, T_{i+1}))$?

suppose $L(T_i, T_{i+1})$ is the LIBOR rate between $T_i$ and $T_{i+1}$, and $T_N$ is some time later than $T_{i+1}$. $E^{T_N}$ is the $T_N$-forward measure. I tried to work this out using John Hull'...
athos's user avatar
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Sharpe Maximization under Quadratic Constraints

When doing Sharpe optimization $$ \max_x \frac{\mu^T x}{\sqrt{x^T Q x}} $$ there is a common trick (section 5.2) used to put the problem in convex form. You add a variable $\kappa$ such that $x = ...
rhaskett's user avatar
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